A bear saves a crow from drowning.
A baboon and a dog and a deer frolic in a field.
A little girl feeds the crows
And receives gifts from them in exchange.
This is the planet we are living on,
Not that other one that we are beating up.
An Orca lifts up a kayak on its back.
A parrot feeds a puppy its kibble snack.
A raven slides down a snowy roof on a dog dish.
This is the planet we are living on.
Not that other one that we are selling off piecemeal.
A man on death row manages to prove his innocence
Days before his execution.
He leaves his own freedom party,
Walks to the end of the backyard,
Throws his arms around an apple tree
And weeps.
This is the planet we are living on.
Not the one that knows no love.
A deer raises her head to watch me skirting the field.
And as I climb the fence into the orchard
She lowers her head to graze.
This is the planet we live on.
Not the one that we have forgotten.