The two most gun free zones in the world are the UK and Japan. Both have 99.9% lower gun murder rates than the US (and 80% lower overall murder rates).
In 2006, the US had over 12,000 gun murders;
the UK had 40;
Japan had 2.
More than 15 cities have higher murder rates than Chicago.
In the past 20 yrs, the gun murder rate is down 50%in Chicago. Local gun laws are easily ignored by going to a nearby town or state. Almost all the most violent cities have lax gun laws, most in the South, which is the region with the highest gun murder rate.
6% of gun murders are by gangs (mostly of each other);
1% are by home invaders;
54% are by family and friends.
Toy guns teach chiildren that killing is fun. Dodge City had a low murder rate because guns were confiscated on entry.
50% of the 300 million guns in the US are owned by 3%; only 1/3 of households have guns. Homes with guns have 270% more gun deaths than homes without.
" states with higher rates of gun ownership had disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related homicides."
"States with the Five Highest Gun Death Rates
(Rank State Household Gun Ownership Gun Death Rate Per 100,000)
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