Image-UN Swords into Plowshares Statue
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Rodsan18, Author: Rodsan18) Details Source DMCA
The Constitution Of "The Direct Democracy Republic Common Wealth Of The United States Of America"
Part 2 - Our New Bill Of Rights and Responsibilities -- Article 12 -- The Rights and Responsibilities Of Other Nations and Peoples In Relationship To Our New American Nation.
We The Sovereign People Of The Direct Democracy Republic Common Wealth Of The United States Of America, do *Responsibly assert and support the Right of all other nations and Peoples to recognize and Respect Our New Constitution and its New Bill Of Rights, so long as it does not interfere in the "Just Affairs" of those Nations. All Citizens of other nations, are subject to Our Laws, but not Our Rights, when they are in Our Nation.
Explanatory note: If a Citizen of another nation violates Our Laws, as to crime, then these Foreign Citizens are subject to all the provisions of American Criminal Law, including the Rights thereof; Fair Trial but not by Jury of one's peers. The "Peers" of a Foreign National are in that land, not Ours. (However, it may be possible to find New American Citizens that once hailed from the nation that the criminal came from and these could be called upon to function as a "Peer Jury" for the accused.) *To do this "Responsibly" is to do this Peacefully and without "unjust interference" in the governance of other sovereign nations.
It is hoped that the "United Nations" will become a strong and Moral enough political and military entity (especially with strong alliances from other nations..."United Nations"?) to insist upon and enforce nuclear, biological and chemical weapon disarmament in all nations. It is further hoped that the "Direct Democracy Republic Common Wealth Of The United States Of America" will obey these United Nations weapon eradication requirements and do what ever it needs to do, to enforce this Wise Course for increased Peace and Safety of all the Nations of Our Planet. We might need nuclear weaponry, until better means can be developed, to protect Our Planet from things coming at Us from outer space.
The Right of the Original People Sovereign Nations and Tribes, that still function as Sovereign Nations within Our Land, to respect Our New American Nation and, when on Our Sovereign Territory, to abide by Our Direct Democracy Constitution, Bill Of Rights and Applicable Laws. In return for this respect and abidance to the New Us, We will do the same to them"especially as regards old and new treaties (We will honor and abide by the treaties that have been made {most recent to be the one to honor}"UNLESS" this Mutualism becomes, somehow, "harmful" to either sovereign entity.
Some further explanation: If "harm" is determined by both sides, then all efforts will be made to rectify the "harm" and cause it to cease. Who harmed "First" is important in determining the Fairness and Justice in these relationships"but so is the "Greater Existent Good". A Balance, in these matters, must be struck"honored. Note: This area of American Constitutional Rights and Justice is a very "tricky" thing. There are many wrong things that cannot be undone, just as there are many wrong things that can be rectified.
We, Americans and the members of these other Original People Sovereign Societies, must develop the Wisdom and Agreement on what would be the best paths to pursue in maximizing the Present and Future "Good Relationships" between Us. Broken promises to long gone preceding generations cannot be corrected, but We can do a lot of right by the Original Peoples living today. Much work has to be done here. Surely We Americans and Original Peoples can be of Mutual Benefit to each other"be Many kinds of Strength for each other. The descendents are not responsible for the wrongdoings of the ancestors, but they are Responsible for the greatest Right over Wrong, in their own times. Normally, the greater right might be with the greater number populace. But prior claim must be carefully looked at too.
This being said and agreed upon, there might well come, instances of severe disagreement regarding Human Rights. A new standard may have to be built, that would include the logic that the Majority Population of a contested area would be given the greatest Rights over an area, than a Minority Population in the same area. But even if this is so, the land must be respected and protected. If the larger population is causing "Harm" to an area of land, then it should be carefully considered that this populace should be shifted elsewhere, or disbursed. If this reduction of excess population "harm" to the land cannot be done through "shifting", then a Wise and Fair and Just Program for the reduction of that population, might be the best solution. If Sincere Peaceful Ways fail to correct these differences, then God have Mercy on Us ALL!