It's always amazing how relatively minor gaffes take up all the news and political chatter in this country, while the big issues remain largely beyond the permissible range of debate. This Akin remark, for example, is so easily hyped-up and used to target not just him, but his entire party. Some have suggested that Romney is now finished on account of Akin's one-off poor choice of wording.
Well good for that, perhaps, but it's probably not true, as the key states like Ohio and Florida are being rigged for a Republican heist once again. Like in 2000 and in 2004. It happened. It can happen again.
The outright rigging of elections should be the top story, and those caught red-handed subverting democracy should be under arrest for election fraud. No? We still have some voting rights in America, do we not? Some laws on the books? Isn't that why they can stomp around the world beating their chests shouting about 'democracy?'
The corporate state has been legitimately raping the bottom 80% for decades now. Your money has been devalued. Your jobs have been offshored. Your unions have disappeared. Your civil rights have been erased. Your political influence has been eradicated. Your children have been shipped off to kill and die in the service of imperial expansion and always based on blatant lies and half-truths concerning the enemies of the day. Your schools have been gutted and your teachers laid off. Your nearest hospital has probably closed and your firefighters have fewer men and stations, leading to longer response times. You even have fewer police, most likely, and gangs are resurgent -- at least they are in my neck of the woods. And those police who remain have been militarized by the feds and trained to reject the peoples' first amendment rights. Your house prices have been manipulated, and Wall Street financiers have used government subsidies, bailouts, deregulation and bribery to rewrite the laws and to shift your home equity over to their accounts in overseas tax havens. That's all the obvious rape and pillage, the stuff you can actually read about in the Times on any given day.
There's the stealth rape, the intrusive surveillance of a police state gone mad. A massive private/government partnership uses the private sector to hide its activities from public oversight and to profiteer with the massive data collection activities that attempt to track the entire world, and yes probably store data about you reading these words right now. Some tip-of-the-iceberg news stories have told us what they're doing, but then again, they keep doing it. No one is holding them back. The race to a global STASI, of infinite "Total Information Awareness" is on. They seek nothing short of complete surveillance of everyone, everywhere at all times. That's the cyber component of "Full Spectrum Dominance," the official strategy of the United States to dominate mother earth, all inhabitants and all resources.
So while Akins and his ilk bluster on about "rape" or whatever, this massive onslaught of rape and pillage is by no means confined to Republican knuckle-draggers. Obama has proven himself a world-class enforcer of the New World Order. His party mostly approves of all of these activities, with some scattered dissenting voices that come to little consequence. The machine rolls on. It must be clear that this agenda of power accumulation, full global dominance, infinite surveillance, voiding constitutional protections, the establishing of an aristocratic ruling class and the impoverishment of the great majority will continue under Democrat as well as Republican. Both parties must go.
There must be an alternative to these marauders. That alternative must be an electoral party that represents the people without the need for corporate/elite graft. It must win on the issues, not on the hype of the day. It must be legitimate and have integrity. And it's not going to happen unless all of us band together to make it happen.
Currently we hold a losing hand. However times are a changing. America is not going to be so fat, bloated and distracted once food, shelter and medicine become daily concerns. The day is fast approaching when people wake up to the realities of a stolen economy, stolen rights, and a complete collapse of legitimacy of Washington DC and the state capitals. Words can only obfuscate the harshness of the peoples' plight so much. A point comes where actions, not words, speak the loudest.
"You shall know them by their fruits."