She appeared one day
When we were feelin' low
That girl from hell,
And she said:
What are you doin' up here?
We hear you up here
Cryin, fighting, and carrying on,
Echoes all down the halls and grottos,
Makes us crazy down in hell
So we can't even sleep nights.
She said:
You'd never know we made a friend of fire.
Now the flames curl around the logs
But do not warm us down there no more
Because you stole the heart of fire
For your bombs.
You people up here,
In the world of light,
You should be dancin', makin' music, sh*t
Makin' love!
Down there in hell,
We at least found each other.
When the cold creeps through
And the old darkness settles in,
We wrap our arms around each other,
Tell stories, make our peace
With whatever we did
In the before . . .
We long ago closed the door on judgment.
But you know what?
I gotta get back to hell.
You do whatever you gotta do
To make things better
Because I'm here to tell you
The door to hell is closed.
And don't follow me.
If we can make a home in hell
You can surely save your damn planet!
Then she turned and spoke one last time:
You're crackin' our walls.
Get your vibe under control.
Then she slipped into a crack
And was gone.
(Article changed on Aug 22, 2024 at 10:22 AM EDT)