Female and adolescent Indogs rummaging through a garbage bin for food. 02
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Achat1999, Author: Achat1999) Details Source DMCA
The garbage dogs are loose,
The real, the bad stretch, what a way
to go
Eating a marshmallow
A friend or relative with chronic
The drug can help
And then it kills you
Slowly turning you into a discarded
The soldiers have retreated
We planted some
His mouth was laughing
Details accepted
Neurotically defended
Turtle eggs, hundreds, thousands
Strewn along the beach,
Christ had nothing to say
But when the demons of sickness
Yakshas, Rakshashas showed up
Jesus said, It's OK.
Remember old Bernie,
The one with the obsession with lighthouses
Broke into the Pizza Parlor
When they were closing for the night
And ordered a ritual pizza
So they made him a pie with an Ankh
on it
And he seemed so happy
He sat right down and sang a little
That no one could understand
Except for the fly on the wall who
While the police took him away.
(Article changed on November 27, 2018 at 22:57)