We went to the preserve
There were no animals
The opossum was gone
Gray squirrel, gone
Snake and spider
ants and butterflies
We saw places where they would have been
called habitat
Everything was quiet
Everything was still
We could hear ourselves think
I didn't like what I was thinking
We took pictures of shadows
never of what cast them
You said maybe we're just unlucky
but after a while we realized
We were just there to witness
We followed the blue path
Through the cedar swamp
The yellow path returned us
To our car
We unlocked the car and drove off
You said you thought you saw a butterfly
Why didn't you say so?
Because I wasn't sure
We passed a siren on a steel pole
It followed us for miles
We were in the evacuation zone
(Article changed on Feb 04, 2023 at 4:46 PM EST)