After watching BreakThrough News, Israel Is Instigating A Regional War With Iran. Here's Why on Apr 17, 2024, it triggered me.
I thought, it is not difficult to suss out why Genocide Joe was sending 2000-pound bombs to the Genocidal Zionists while his base was screaming at him to change course... He was and is getting paid. Of course, the GZs are stocking up for Lebanon and also throwing campaign cash and promises of cash at President Genocidist, encouraging him to hang in there through the election... they know he is a goner, but if he can keep the supply chain full of murderous evil explosive sh*t, the GZs will fund his retirement/legacy for his family of miscreants, and wherein afterwards he can pass straight into hell where his sorry ass belongs.
Given the corruption and bloody criminality of Genocidal Biden and his Snarling and Spitting band of congressional war criminals, GJ and his serpent campaign organizers surely had some discussions with the genocidal donors regarding deposits... no proforma donor deposit promises from the GenoZi fundraisers will be considered - Cash! Cash! Cash, straight into offshore... otherwise, do you think he dim-witted enough to TRUST a bunch of lying maniacal insane cut-throat bloody homicidal Zionists to pay in installments for his "reelection" pipeline bombs effort? The answer is: Hell NO. He has got to get paid cash - straight into Offshore, otherwise, he will dimly recant and make threatening statements like, "we need a permanent ceasefire", or something like, we are going to slow down the 2000-pound bombs supply... message received? Yep. He got paid, and promptly returned to his byline: "my support of Israel is iron clad"... the renewed talking phrase, clad in iron like the over-rated Dome.
Reuters reported last month that between the start of Gaza war last October and end-June, the U.S. has transferred at least 14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs, and other munitions.
Stay tuned, the Z donors clawed back saying they were going to withhold about $95,000,000 of incented blood money after GJ's debate performance. That's a lot of cheese for a rat-like Old Blackguard Joe to let go. So crooked smiling dimly lit GJ silently released some deadly 7000 or so 500 Pounders...