Vietnam Veterans Memorial DC
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Mariordo (Mario Roverto Durán Ortiz), Author: Mariordo (Mario Roverto Durán Ortiz)) Details Source DMCA
As it stands the Vietnam Memorial Wall (The Wall) is more deception than truth. Consider a wall honoring the victims of the Nazi Holocaust, whose names would be etched in that stone? The real victims of the Vietnam war were the three million innocent men, women and children murdered in that monstrous crime against humanity.
I do consider the men whose names are on The Wall to be victims in a different way, though victims still. They were drafted and directed to do the bid of their nation and did not say no. All of the other vets of that war were and are victims also in that most also suffered soul damage in the course of carrying out the homicidal will of this nation and we see that damage in suicides and homelessness and, less obvious, the harm to those who cannot again experience joy.
Still, we could correct the deception inherent in the Vietnam War Memorial Wall if we raise it to sit on top of a much larger wall bearing the names of the true victims, the men, women and children slaughtered over there.
Even with this correction the greater truth is missing and we need a third smaller wall on top of the existent one with the names of the real criminals responsible for this horror: names like Kissinger, L B Johnson, Richard Nixon and so many other perps on the political side of this international crime. Also named should be the pentagon brass who gave the nod to the lie that was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident which never took place. This was the lie intended to provide justification for that unjust killing spree. Also on this highest of this three tiered wall should be the industrialist and corporate people who seek dominion over the earth. Last a little space for listing the names of those unknown powerful evil few whose faces we never seem to know.
We need consider the Vietnamese people who survived and are experiencing the damage that must be washing back and forth through their collective psyches--Why Us?
Last, what about the rest of us here who let our sons go do these things. Should not this wall prompt us to say "No, don't go there--don't go anywhere. Let the state imprison us first. If we manifest the decency to refuse to participate in the perpetual war on terror perhaps a wall will be built around all of us, the many, who become the enemy of the state.
Don Scotten