(Article changed on January 29, 2013 at 14:55)
It very well can happen here:1. Immigration. According to the new plan 11 million Tea- Partiers will be stripped of citizenship and deported to China to drink real tea and learn English. They will be replaced by 11 million Hispanics who know English already.
2. Hillary Clinton on her farewell visit to Europe was greeted as follows:
-She came, we endured, she is gone.
3. Hollywood reacts to women in combat: from now on all the WWII movies will feature German soldiers in kilts. Colonel Stauffenberg will be called Ilse, Hitler wiill be called froilein Fuhrer and Stalin will be called Stalina. FDR will not change. Churchill will be called Winnie as before.
4. Stephen King will soon release a new novel 'The Killler Gun' about a gun which actually kills people on its own. The new Bill is already in Congress to check the guns for paranormal.
5. The new series Americookies will be released soon on TV. The series features the covert Russian spy net consisting exclusively of black homosexuals whose sole purpose is to undermine the American values by promoting the gay marriage.
6. Dan Brown is releasing a sequel to Angels and Demons. This one is called The Living Hell and the scene is staged in Stupidsville, CT. Turns out those people do not know anything about the world around them.
7. A new foreign policy initiative is unveiled by the US State Department. From now on the US personnel in France will address Madame Pipi (the woman in charge of the toilet) as La Person Pipi.
8. Austerity measures. Starting from the Y2013 US Congresspeople are to pay for foreign brothels' visit out of their own pocket. Among the staff it is called 'love tax'. US call girls' services will be paid by the tax money because that's promoting jobs in the US.
9.MSM. MSNBC had decided to hire Sarah Palin, Julianne Moore and Tina Fey for the new talk show with Rachel Maddow. The show will be called ' Witches of MSNBC' and there will be the following impersonations:
Wicked liberal Witch- Rachel
Hysterical shape- shifter- Julianne
Grotesque and Sulky Witch- Tina
Sarah- Sarah
10. Mark Sashine is going to change his non- de-plum to Mark Assashine. That sounds more appropriate for the times current.
PS.I can't help it. Terrorist monkeys. As Iranians had just sent a monkey into space and it returned- Congress is considering a bi-partisan Bill to ban monkeys from entering the US unless they are baptized by TSA chaplain.
In Seizure We Trust