The US has become for all practical purposes a criminal enterprise.
When the un-elected "deep state" -operating under the guise of a supposedly legitimately elected government- becomes so unhinged and unrestrained from any accountability, conducts endless wars, attempts to exercise hegemony over all countries in the world undermining any "deviating" country through economic sanctions, color revolutions, coups, assassinations, false flag operations, NGO infiltration with its agent-provocateurs inciting protests against a legitimately elected government all to bring about regime change, that is criminal activity.
Yet it seems for many-most?-people in this country choose to ignore this reality, possibly too terrible to contemplate let alone become conscious of such a reality. Better to remain indifferent, disconnected, retreating into some alternative world. Hannah Arendt way back in the 70's put it, "A generation has fallen down the rabbit hole of electronic hallucinations with images often dominated by violence and pornography sucked alone into systems of info and entertainment catering to America's prurient fascination with the tawdry, the cruel and deadening cult of the self". And this was some 40 odd years before the obsession with the smart phone.
To be sure many people are hurting economically in this country. Much of the middle class has been decimated from loss of good paying jobs, in debt eking by attempting to make ends meet. Such people can't be expected to be the vanguard against the states perniciousness.
As for the educated middle and upper middle class, teachers, clergy, university professors, lawyers, medical doctors, managers, writers, artists, journalists. What about them? This group has all but abandoned those in need. Become silent, compliant partners with the state accepting the likes of government grants and contracts making them complicit accomplices while discarding their integrity in the process.
Traditionally they have been the ones capable of articulating the wrongs in the society for the masses to connect their grievances to bring about reform or in the extreme be the catalysts for rebellion and revolution. That seems unimaginable in this country now. Yes there's been the young behind the "Bernie" phenomenon in the current presidential sweepstakes but if what seems likely he doesn't get the Democrat nomination and he supports Hilary what happens then?
What seems evident is discontent has begun to emerge in this country with signs people are fed up with the status quo as evidenced on the right with Trump seen as the "outsider" not part of the current "official" political decision making in Washington and on the left "Bernie" articulating universal health care-Medicare for all-, highlighting income inequality between the 1% and the 99%, getting big money out of politics-to name a few of the policies he supports.
But it's hard to imagine the "deep state's" hold on the real reins of power in this country being challenged-never mind being dismantled-by any change in who resides in the White House in January 2017.
With NATO on the door step of Russia from the Baltic's to the Black Sea and US naval ships plying the South China Sea exercising old fashioned type "gun boat" diplomacy under the guise of "freedom of navigation" there's an ominous foreboding this new cold war could turn hot.
But don't expect most Americans to be aware of any of this. A 2014 poll [1] had only 16% able to locate Ukraine on a map.
So despite the current domestic discontent emanating from this year's presidential nomination fracas it's hard to imagine the American "deep state" and the machinations it conducts around the world has anything to fear from its own inhabitants.
[1] "Survey Sampling International", by Kyle Dropp, Joshua D. Kertzer and Thomas Zeitzoff, April 7,2014 from March 28-31, 2014 national sample of 2,066 Americans