"Either this nation shall kill racism, or racism shall kill this nation." (S. Jonas, Aug. 2018)

State of Austria within Germany 1938. So obviously, Czechoslovakia was next.
(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org), Author: Kramler) Details Source DMCA
What have I known about the "Anschluss" --- the pre-World War II "joining" of Germany and Austria? Growing up in an anti-Nazi, historically-aware household during the Second World War for me the word has always meant the event that took place on March 12, 1938, when through the invasion of Austria by Nazi Germany, that joining took place. However, looking up the term on (where else[?]) Wikipedia, I discovered that the word dates back to the time of the unification of Germany, as the Prussian Empire, at the end of the Franco-Prussian War (Western terminology) in 1871. It did not happen then, as Austria remained part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
But the "joining" became a wish among certain political elements on both sides of the border right up until it actually happened, on March 12, 1938, when an unopposed invasion of Austria by Nazi Germany occurred, and Austria was unceremoniously absorbed into the growing Nazi (not Prussian to be sure) "Reich" in Central Europe. As is well-known, this growth occurred entirely in violation of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, but nevertheless entirely without any opposition from the Western Powers. (The Soviet Union didn't like what the Nazis were doing, but couldn't get the attention of Great Britain and France to cooperate on dealing forcefully with the issue until it was too late.) And so, with the cooperation of the Austrian government, anti-Semitic and nazi (but not yet Nazi) itself, the German tanks rolled into the country, unopposed.
I have a minor, indirect connection, on the ground, to this series of events. On that morning, in Vienna, an 8-year-old Jewish boy living in Vienna woke up to look out his bedroom window to see those Nazi tanks. As it happened, political anti-Semitism had been (literally) invented in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 1870s. The anti-Semitism that had been codified in the 5th century by St. Augustine had been for all of that time primarily religious in nature ("The Jews Killed Christ"), although it had been used for political purposes on many an occasion. The Austrian version was the first designed for use in the elections that had begun to come into play in the several European powers as Constitutional monarchies were established in the part of the 19th century.
Political anti-Semitism was rife in Austria in the 1930s, leading up to the Anschluss, and certainly paved the way for the series of events that led to it. And that little boy, Paul, had certainly been exposed to it. But seeing the Nazi tanks in front of the family window and then experiencing the massive anti-Semitic rally in Vienna at which Hitler spoke on March 15, was different. And the Germans were there. Austria had been absorbed into the Third Reich. That was different too.
Jews had been randomly killed in Austria before the Anschluss, but this was surely to be different. As it happened that little boy's mother happened to be very resourceful and a few months later she somehow managed to spirit the family, including, of course, Paul's dad, who was a physician but not very good at doing such things, across the border into Switzerland. She eventually managed to get them all to the U.S., where Paul grew up and later became a major figure in broadcast radio in New York City. I met him later in life --- which provided me with that indirect, but personal connection to the events of that day. As Paul told me on more than one occasion, for all of the adventures in getting to the U.S., for all of getting educated, and for all of achieving what he eventually achieved here, the biggest event in his life was still seeing those Nazi tanks rolling into Vienna down the street in front of window on March 12, 1938, when he was eight years old.
The Role of the German Ruling Class in Enabling the Nazi Takeover
So why, you might ask, and probably have, why would I use a story about the Anschluss, and quite a lengthy one at that, to introduce a column on the U.S. ruling class and the potential advent of full-blown Republo-fascism in this country. (For a review of my writings on this subject, see my most recent column here on Op-Ed News: "Republo-Fascism and Trump: A Brief Review of SJ Columns on the Subject": Click Here.) Good question.
In 2018 the English translation of a book by a French author, Eric Vuillard, entitled "The Order of the Day" was published. In its original French it was a prize-winner. It is a brief, but for those of us who are into such things, an entirely gripping description of the events that immediately preceded the Anschluss. But for our purposes here, it is the "Introduction" of the book's text which is the most important part. For, as the brief description found in Publishers Weekly (reference above) says, the book begins with a brief description of ". . . a fateful February 1933 meeting of 24 German business leaders with Hitler that led to their funding the Nazis' campaign(s) . . .". This meeting occurred after the controversial appointment by the Weimar Republic's President von Hindenburg of Hitler as German Chancellor on January 30, 1933, but before the fateful Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 which, as it was used by the Nazis, led directly to the establishment of the Hitler Dictatorship under "The Enabling Act" of March 23, 1933.
One can only speculate at this point, but it is highly unlikely that Hitler and the Nazi Party would have been able to move ahead as they did without that meeting, the attendees' list for which happened to include names still well known to anyone who knows anything about German industry TODAY, e.g., Krupp, Schacht, Thyssen (who recruited as an early U.S. supporter of the German Nazi Party, one George Herbert Walker), von Siemens, Opel, Quandt, Reuter, as well as major elements of German industry and finance, such companies as BASF, Bayer, Agfa, I.G. Farben, Allianz, and Telefunken. The assembly was first addressed by Hermann Goering, and then by the man himself, Adolf Hitler. There were 24 of them, the crà ¨me-de-la-crime (if I may use a slight modification of the French term) of the German ruling class.
Hitler came to ask them for their approval, in general terms to be sure, of what he was planning to do. Not in detail, of course, but he had given countless speeches since becoming head of the then-burgeoning Nazi Party in the early 1920s, and he had published a very detailed book on his program and plans in 1926, called "My Struggle" (which may be more familiar as Mein Kampf --- a book which apparently found a place on the nightstand of a man who would become known as a future U.S. President who never read anything, not even his Presidential Daily Briefs). They gave that support and approval to him, apparently unanimously. The purposely set Reichstag Fire came quickly, followed by a rigged election ripe with voter intimidation (sound familiar?) on March 5, then on to the Enabling Act which established the Hitler dictatorship (the passage of which happened to have been finally enabled in the Reichstag by the Catholic Center Party, in return for certain guarantees of Catholic independence).
The Relevance of Then for Now
The experience of the five major fascist powers of the 20th century, Germany, Italy Hungary, Spain and Japan, showed that the fascist takeover of each, while different in form in each case, did not take place without the approval/sponsorship of the ruling classes of each of those nations. The forms: Hungary, appointment by a monarch; Italy, appointment by a monarch; Germany, appointment by a President; Japan, military coup; Spain, victory in a civil war. In each case, as M. Vuillard illustrated so elegantly for Germany, the capitalist ruling class of the country was firmly behind what became in each case a fully authoritarian government (which came to be known [thanks to Mussolini] as "fascist.") If the U.S. Republo-fascists (as noted, see my most recent column on OpEdNews for a listing of all the columns that I have published on this subject) succeed in taking over all or a significant portion of the United States, if history is any guide, they will be able to do that only with significant Ruling Class support. They already have the Petro-chemical industry, certain chunks of publishing, certain sectors of finance, banking, and real estate, and so on and so forth. But they hardly have all of it.
Major chunks of the Ruling Class support the Democratic Party. They have found over the years that bourgeois Constitutional democracy works very well for them. This goes back to the time of the New Deal, which certainly had significant ruling class support as providing the best way out of the Great Depression. But at the same time, there was the pro-Nazi "America First" movement led by Henry Ford with Charles Lindbergh as their front-man. A Republican Right has certainly existed down through the years since then: e.g., Joe McCarthy, Ronald Reagan, G.W. Bush. But whether or not it has formerly believed in (capitalist/"bourgeois") Constitutional Democracy, it is only now, with Donald Trump as its front man, for a variety of economic, political and social reasons (that we have dealt with elsewhere in the referred-to columns-series) clearly moving to replace that system with a U.S. version of fascism.
I will be dealing with these issues again, of course, but for now it suffices to say that if the capitalist ruling class wing that has found happiness under traditional bourgeois Constitutional democracy wants to keep it, they had better start getting their act together, and soon. Or the Republo-fascists and its ruling-class supporters will have left them in their dust, just as the German ruling class of the 1930s caused the German version of bourgeois parliamentary democracy to be trampled into dust by the Nazis. Who happened to get themselves into the position where they could do that through the electoral system, which they then proceeded to trample under foot. One last point here: the Nazis were never more than a minority party. Sound familiar?
Returning to the Beginning of this Column
Let us just hope that one day down the road there is not an 8-year-old boy, living in the part of the nation that still itself lives under bourgeois Constitutional Democracy, who one morning awakes to see the tanks of the Republo-fascists coming down the streets of his city. For one thing, for that little boy (or girl) there will be no place to go.
Addendum I
One hopeful sign: "Republicans are losing the support of the business community. Democrats should take advantage," Charlotte Rampell, The Washington Post, October 8, 2021
Addendum II
Second hopeful sign (from an authority who is usually rather on the pessimistic side, concerning the Republicans, Trump, and impending fascism, a term which he has used on more than one occasion to describe the aforementioned): "What if Things are About to Get Better?" Paul Krugman, The New York Times, Oct. 7, 2021.
Addendum III
Third hopeful sign: " 'Feud between GOP, pro-business groups explodes into view after spat over infrastructure bill.' .rawstory.com/gop-fighting-with-businesses/."
(Article changed on Oct 08, 2021 at 2:11 PM EDT)
(Article changed on Oct 09, 2021 at 8:34 PM EDT)