Stop the murders! Government indifference and deceit murders our people and risks our lives. Thirty Op Eds thoroughly prove this conclusion, where these Op Eds were published over the past year and a half and are supported by peer-reviewed engineering publications.
People are poisoned by our drinking water supplies, children's health is destroyed by contaminated drinking water, people are burned to death by gas pipeline explosions, oil spills contaminate our rivers and lands, fish kills are ignored, our nuclear missile defenses do not work, our bridges are unsafe, people are burned to death and drowned at offshore oil-rig explosions, massive oil spills explode from offshore oil-rigs, and the next nuclear power plant explosion is on the way.
With the exceptions of flawed missile defenses and unsafe bridges, all of these disasters are related to a process known as water hammer, or fluid transients (click here for water hammer details). Each of these needless dangers to our lives are covered up by our government. Each of these dangers to our lives can be stopped.

The U.S. rushes some of us into the future (Little Bighorn headstones exemplify grave dangers to our lives).
(Image by Leishear Engineering, LLC) Details DMCA
The common denominators for each of these disasters, near-disasters, or potential disasters are U.S. government refusals to act to save lives. Every one of these tragedies can be stopped (See OpEd News series for details: click here, click here, click here, click here, click here).
- Water hammers can be stopped to prevent water mains from bursting all over the U.S. every winter (click here).
- Responsible organizations: State and local governments and private corporations.
- Water hammers can be stopped to prevent other water main breaks throughout the year.
- Responsible organizations: State and local governments and private corporations.
- Water main breaks can be stopped to prevent E. coli and Listeria contaminations of our water supplies.
- Responsible organizations: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Center for Disease Control (CDC).
- Water main breaks can be stopped to prevent lead and copper poisoning of our water supplies. Flint, Michigan lead contaminations of drinking water were accelerated by a process known as fatigue corrosion, which is driven by water hammers.
- Responsible organization: Environmental Protection Agency.
- Water main breaks can be stopped to prevent chlorine contamination of our waters that kill fish.
- Responsible organization: Environmental Protection Agency.
- Oil spills can be stopped by stopping water hammer leaks in oil pipelines (click here).
- Responsible organizations: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), DOT, oil and gas companies.
- U.S. nuclear missile defenses can be corrected (click here).
- Responsible organization: Department of Defense (DOD).
- The use of nuclear weapons to kill thousands of people should be established as a war crime, where the destruction of an entire city like Hiroshima is touted as an acceptable 'tactical' use of nuclear weapons (click here).
- Responsible organization: Department of Defense.
- By stopping water hammer explosions, offshore oil-rig explosions can be stopped to stop massive oil spills like the Gulf Oil Spill (click here).
- Responsible organizations: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), oil and gas companies.
- By stopping water hammer explosions, offshore oil-rig explosions can be stopped to stop killing oil-rig workers, like the Piper Alpha explosion that killed 167 men.
- Responsible organizations: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, oil and gas companies.
- Bridge safety research can stop bridge collapses (click here).
- Responsible organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Department of Transportation (DOT).
- By stopping fluid transient explosions, gas pipeline explosions like the San Bruno and Carlsbad pipeline explosions can be stopped (click here).
- Responsible organizations: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT, oil and gas companies.
- By stopping water hammer explosions, the next nuclear power plant explosions like Fukushima or Three Mile Island can be stopped, and mass evacuations and deaths can be stopped (click here).
- Responsible organizations: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Department of Energy (DOE), and nuclear power plant owners, the American Nuclear Society (ANS).
- I sent a tweet to ANS (1/6/2023): 'If ANS would stop censoring nuclear safety information, nuclear reactor power plants would be safer.' Their organization acts more like a cheerleader, rather than a promoter of nuclear safety (Trustees of Nuclear, click here). 'Nuclear has a future again, and ANS has a unique opportunity to help win that future for all.' Yet, the ANS refuses to publish information about impending nuclear plant explosions.
- A also sent an email to the ANS CEO, titled the "ANS will kill people", 1/6/2023.
- The next cover-up started on 1/5/2023, and I revised this Op Ed to add the following short analysis (This week's government cover-up ("The Diablo Canyon nuclear reactor system leak", click here).
- The Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant sprung a leak in their reactor cooling system ("PG&E makes alarming discovery at Diablo Power Plant", click here). Small explosions cracked this pipe. PG&E is already falsely blaming vibrations. 'We identified a pipe associated with a cooling system where a minute amount of dry boric acid crystals accumulated' 'I can't even characterize it as a crack.' Any crack in a nuclear safety system is a big deal and should not be dismissed as a minor problem.
- Responsible organizations: the American Nuclear Society (ANS), the NRC, and PG&E.
These disasters have already cost thousands of our lives; these disasters will kill thousands of people in our future; and trillions of dollars will be wasted in our future. Lives will be lost until our government stops the lies, and stops this spiraling catastrophe that is fueled by deceit.
Numerous government agencies and private corporations are responsible for lies and mass cover-ups. Affected government agencies have been repeatedly informed of the facts that they are killing people. Those agencies refuse to act to save our lives.
Murder is defined as 'the unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse' ( Government malfeasance and total indifference to loss of lives equals murder, and ongoing malfeasance and indifference to future loss of lives will equal murder when we get there.
Stop murdering our people!
This Op Ed summarizes full-time voluntary research for 7-1/2 years, and part-time voluntary research since 1991. At a personal cost of 1/4 of a million dollars, I stood alone against our government to save lives (See for pertinent publications).
This article documents cover-ups by multiple independent government agencies. There is no claim here that a great conspiracy was in process. Multiple groups of people in different government and public organizations started multiple cover-ups, and many people - thousands or even tens or hundreds of thousands of people - were duped in the following years.
To this day, our government refuses to save lives. The time is here for our government to stop risking our lives.
The following email was sent to the BSEE, CDC, DOE, NRC, FHWA, DOD, DOT, EPA, and PHMSA
I invented several new scientifically proven theories to better explain these evolving catastrophes. Research continues to improve ways to stop these catastrophes. Even though responses from our government were not received, our lives are important. I accuse our government of murder, and they do not care enough about our lives to answer this accusation. Again, stop the murders!Respectfully, your organizations have an opportunity to save lives. My accusations of murders in our future may be abrasive, but my goal is that you take action to eliminate risks to our lives. The [above] Op Ed provides a list of risks to our lives, the responsible organizations, and links to publications to prove these [accusations]. Please act on our behalf to prevent loss of life.
Op Ed: "The U.S. Government Murders Us through Indifference and Deceit - Cover-ups Throughout U.S. Industries".
(Article changed on Jan 10, 2023 at 11:39 AM EST)