Reprinted from Mike Malloy Website
We are in the midst of a national nervous breakdown, Truthseekers. If I had hit my head and lapsed into a coma five years ago and woke up today and somebody told me Donald Trump was poised to take the GOP Presidential nomination, I would've laughed in their face.
Then -- I would've asked to be hit in the head and knocked out again.
Of course I would've had the same reaction if the same thing happened in the 80's and somebody had told me about Schwartzenegger or Reagan, and so it goes.
Um...Arnie -- is that a sword in your loincloth, or are you...
But this is different. At least Reagan had political experience.
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And he didn't call women pigs and make sarcastic references to menstrual cycles, or talk about what a hot body his daughter had and tweet that Hillary "can't satisfy her husband, so what makes her think she can satisfy America." #mysogynisthairflap.
Yes, Ronnie was married twice, and that was a bit controversial for the conservative party. They weren't sure they were ready for Nancy.
But The Donald has him trumped there too! And va-va-voom! Nancy couldn't rock a metal bikini like this!
Hellloooooooooo First Lady! Can't wait for the first White House wet tee shirt contest! Who's sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom tonight, Donnie?
And I doubt Da Ahnold would've suggested that the only logical solution to the immigration issue was to build a giant freakin wall. Because, y'know, those Mexicans are just a bunch of rapists and drug dealers anyway. Being Austrian and all, this would probably a little too close to home to the governnator.
And yet, Trump's still top in the polls. And his closest competition is Teabagger Ted. You know its bad when Cruz seems like the sane choice.
Please hit me in the head again.