This is a simplistic way to summarize the general trends in the field and the relationship they have to our mental and physical health. Yet, these theories make a faulty assumption grounded in the notion that the culture is a mirror to perfect health.
Could it be that folks diagnosed with a mental illness are simply mirrors of who we are collectively as a culture? What is mental illness if not a reaction in body, mind and spirit to a world that is sick? Thus, depression reflects a sense of powerlessness because most of us at the lower class levels are, indeed, powerless. We are ultimately powerless to be who we are by Nature. Consider the following picture of a man-made wasteland in relationship to the poverty of our media trained minds.
Our Soul is our Nature and Nature is our Essence. Is this wasteland truly the unfolding of our best potential?
The first step to changing the world is to realize we have powers we don't know or believe that we have. We could call this our "Soul Power!" Perhaps we stifle this power because it is so potent (and could lead us into dissonance with our culture). Consider the potentials that may be in you through what physicists refer to as the "Pauli Effect" (from Wikipedia: )
Since the 20th century, the work of physics research has been divided between theorists and experimentalists. Only a few physicists, such as Enrico Fermi have been successful in both roles. Lacking an aptitude or interest in experimental work, many theorists have earned a reputation for accidentally breaking experimental equipment. Pauli was exceptional in this regard: it was said that he was such a good theorist that any experiments would self-destruct simply because he was in the vicinity. For fear of the Pauli effect, the experimental physicist Otto Stern banned Pauli from his laboratory in Hamburg despite their friendship.
If Pauli had this kind of power then could you also? Is this a potential within all of us? Not that you want to blow up physics labs (or course, maybe you do?); but could you use your power to create a healthier planet?
One person who is passionate about the human Psyche and who has studied Pauli, as well as psychiatrist Carl Jung, is Dr. Remo Roth.
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