Separation of Church and State -- Christian Political Party
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In this series we develop the legal and factual thesis that aid to Israel is Unconstitutional in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution and can be prohibited. We have demonstrated how I srael is a theocratic-dominant democracy that favors Jews and their religion above all others. The evidence clearly shows by any test that military aid to Israel is unconstitutional. Israel clearly discriminates against Muslims and the Islamic religion in its fundamental policies of ownership of land, immigration and return, and rights of citizenship. Our military aid is significant, costly and plays a considerable roll in the Israeli religious wars, with their discrimination through seizure, dispossession of land, homes, farms and buildings and other forms of oppression of Islamic Palestinians and Syrian. The continuation of our military aid has powerful supporters in the United States in both major parties and very powerful economic supporters as well as in the media, educational institutions and the armaments industry, the military-industrial complex.
Now we come to the question of what will you do about this?
It should be obvious by now with these facts and legal principals, that aid, especially military aid to Israel, can be successfully challenged under existing law, in the United States courts, as violation of the Establishment Clause, separating church and state, found in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. It is also obvious that the challenge will not be easy and will face formidable opposition. In these times where even our constitution as our basic law is under challenge, it should also be obvious that any challenge that is not also without wide social support for the First Amendment may find courts, judges and justices clever enough to, in effect, repeal the Establishment Clause or ignore it as has been done by out government for at least the last half a century. It is also obvious that the aid provisions will be defended by the best attorneys that the top law schools of the country can turn out and money can buy.
Unless some dedicated souls who really believe in the Constitution can be found to help draw the challenge together, to raise the funds needed to mount a credible challenge, to do the grunt work, investigations, locate the witnesses, take affidavits, locate the documentary evidences, provide secretarial and paraprofessional work, provide office space on and off line, provide the local and DC counsel to support the cases that need to be brought, and provide the constant news and information to the public to keep the movement and its support alive, this is all just whistling in the wind. In funds alone we are looking at a few million dollars, which is far less than the blue box in every synagogue and Jewish NGOs raise every year to continue the illegal settlement process in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan heights. It should be far less than our potential opposition has proved it can raise in one Hollywood Gala night.
But the challenge is worth it. It will bring back to our citizens and to the world that we do live by principals set forth in our Constitution, the citizens of this country can insist that this country return to the role of an honest broker in the world and not be used by just any group to expand some imperialistic ideal, control some other part of the world, or expand our arms sales. It will prove we value all people, including all indigenous peoples around the world, not just our financially influential "friends" who, as the USS Liberty incident proved a half a century ago, really have no love for us any further than we can be used for their benefit.
As I finish this series I hear our President-elect now joins a chorus chanting for creations of a Muslim list in our country 'for our protection.' This is another clear violation of the First Amendment Establishment Clause. I am reminded of what the German Lutheran Priest said about not standing up when other's rights were violated by the Nazis: 'first they came for Jews, and then for the Catholics, and finally for the Lutherans and when they came for him, there was no one left to protest.'
There have been around 400 to 600 readers of these articles. But unless this message can go viral, and this nation be encouraged to stand up for our basic rights of freedom of religion that has long been the beacon of light that we shine to the world, we can soon see the last glimmer of our torch of liberty extinguished. It is now up to you four to six hundred readers to spread the message, to carry the word, for yourselves, your families, your children, and posterity. Can you support this cause, share this series with your friends and up and be heard by writing your Congressman or woman and Senators, be an organizer, create web presence, or help in other ways. Now that you know what is th truth, it is up to you to provide the answers.