Until Second Amendment protects human life more than human gun ownership, we've distorted the target of American Exceptionalism
(Image by Marcello Rollando) Details DMCA
Until Second Amendment protects human life more than human gun ownership, we've distorted the target of American Exceptionalism by Marcello Rollando
Remember this weekend marks four months since America was weakened by massacre.
Remember members of Congress confess, with a mouse click
online petitions are discarded as weak, but like the strength of butterfly
wings, "one person face-to-face in their office, is one thousand votes.'
Remember more than pleasing NRA or congressional leadership,
or dictates from Wall Street dictators; more than what constituents think best;
doing what's right for the country, or preserving, protecting and defending the
equality and justice of all Americans, the number one agenda of any member of
Congress, regardless of Party is: to get
Remember, to save other mothers and fathers from the sin of slaughter,
Newtown parents bear the cross of their children's death to a Hill faraway, so all
see in their post Sandy Hook faces, the reflection of a corrupted
Constitutional interpretation for blood and guts profit.
Remember our "Free Will" frees us to define "Land of the
Free" as freedom to look the other way while in neighborhood streets, movie
theatres, parking lots and schools, Americans of all ages are gun downed with
military style super-sized multi-magazine assault weapons, or find the courage
to go to "The Hill' for a face-to-face that reminds Congress the civilized response
to Cain is, the Second Amendment is not a license to kill.
Every parent, teacher or friend of someone whose life ended
violently, deserves the freedom to be angry and left alone to grieve, or to carpool
to State capitals and Congress and make leaders look into our national mirror at
the reflection of their impotency in the face of corporate profit, immorality, greed,
lies and violence.
We are not born courageous, brave or without fear, but life
sometimes thrusts crushing challenges on us to rise or fall before. There is little fearlessness, only "feeling
the fear and doing it anyway," like "Mayors against illegal guns" and
Connecticut's "massacre control."
While "Mission Accomplished" profanes our national acclaim
as "The Home of the Brave," when we accept our national emergency as no more
economic than it is educational and moral, solutions will reveal themselves.
For this we need not be brave by choice, but open to being
courageous out of necessity, for then the seemingly powerless become the
mirrors in which the powerful see their Dorian Gray reflections.
It is the week the weak win:
There are gun reform events planned in thirteen states; in a week, a Senate
gun reform vote; a Congress which didn't read "The Patriot's Act before voting,
this week previews "The Dream is Now" documentary as prep for immigration vote: the times, "they are a changing.' The last time thirteen pieces of our puzzle
agreed on anything, America was born.
Often those who appear weak are simply oppressed by those
who need to feel strong. "Women and
children first," is a most honorable goal for any American business, elected
official or NRA Lobbyist.
Courage is professing, "gun violence is a public health
crisis,' or rallying for ERA ratification in Richmond, Virginia on Saturday
April 27th, or Labor Secretary Francis Perkins mothering Social
Security to pave Medicare, Medicaid way to The Affordable Care Act.
Like the peaceful repose of beautiful butterflies, the lives
of Sandy Hook and America have been disrupted by an ill wind. Next week a weak Senate gets to change the
direction of the wind.
This is the week for the weak to be like the parents of
Sandy Hook, while flapping butterfly wings still outnumber flying bullets, and parents
like those of Dylan Hockley's, are a light upon our pathway.