A cartoonist gone wild, or dare I say mad. It is my belief that the cartoonist and the New York Post knew exactly what they were doing, when they allowed such an abominable display of tragedy, to be displayed in their newspaper. Obama's Stimulus Plan had passed, and police had killed a chimpanzee. So why not do what had been done over and over before, compare a chimpanzee with an African American Person of Color? More than that, the cartoonist showed, what I believe are two White officers shooting the chimpanzee, and that adds another dimension to this flagrant abuse. This time, I believe the target was President Barack Obama, which adds even another dimension.
We already know that too many White police officers have been allowed to gun down African American People of Color without just recourse; this cartoon seems to condone their acts in a broader sense. This is an abusive display of a cartoon; it is not an artistic piece; it just continues to reiterate the American history that we've seen far too often.
Was the New York Post telling The White House to mind its business, and that they didn't like the stimulus plan, were they saying that? It really is unfortunate when a newspaper or any paper starts threatening the White House, especially the President of the United States, who is the first African American Person of Color.
Today is a new day New York; we are not going to keep quiet about this insult or any other malicious display. We will not allow that old stereo-typical look to continue, as it did in your history of the African American People of Color. Before you showed us in a different light, and that light was not becoming; it also helped you to promote discrimination against the African American People of Color. However, now we do have rights and we will exercise them; and we'll continue to write, and expose anyone when they try to show us in an unbecoming light. This cartoon display is simply unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.
There is nothing funny when someone mocks the Stimulus Plan, and the grave misfortune of a woman, that was brutally attacked by a chimpanzee, before it was shot by policemen. A sick cartoon only becomes sicker, after the readers see what has been written, “They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”, and become outraged at this message.
It is about time that people grew up and stopped trying to promote their own racist ideology, and this includes the New York Post. This time, their arrogance really highlighted their stupidity, and as I say in my book, "Born In The Wrong Country," "Arrogance is not a friend of mine; to me it is almost the equivalent of someone showing their ass to you in public ..... It is such an unsophisticated and crude way of communicating, and one should be better educated than to show their arrogance to another human being."
If this is the only way that this paper, and cartoonist can attract attention, what a pity. Unfortunately, we must ask, even if we think we know the answer, is this all it is, or are they attempting to try and destroy something? To me, this highlights discrimination, and this really should be destroyed. One should not be allowed to continue working, when they act the animals that they display.
Cartoonists are human, or at least one would say that they are; I really don't believe that the Chimpanzee was the cartoonist, or that the cartoonist was the Chimpanzee. One has a mind that possesses the capability of thinking and of reasoning; I'd say that the cartoonist knew what he was doing, and so did the newspaper. To apologize now is meaningless.
When wrongs are done, apologies are used as an out. But can those apologies work, or do they really work, when something was done on purpose? For me, this apology doesn't work; I see it as a poor excuse, because I feel they knew exactly what they were doing, and just did it.
You see traditionally, apologies are ways to give some people closure, such as was done to the Japanese, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This country has never given the African America People of Color any apology, so I ask why would I believe the New York Post's apology, especially for doing something that I believe, was designed to further their racism?
The New York Post knew that they were in trouble, when so many people became outraged about what they had done. They also knew that they would loose a lot of sales, so what did they do? Well, they apologized and put the picture of the alleged beating of Rihanna by Chris Brown on the front of their paper. They knew this terrible picture would sell thousands, and help to push the Stimulus Plan, Chimpanzee cartoon story to the back of people's mind, or at least this is what they were hoping for. Whether they accomplished what they set out to do, I really don't know. People need to act when they see deplorable things, and not forget.
When one is allowed to flaunt such vulgarity in the newspapers; I believe that something needs to be done. I believe this was intentionally aimed at the White House, and at President Barack Obama; it is my belief that this should not be tolerated. We stood up and let our voices be heard in November 2008; we need to continue standing together, and make sure that our voices are heard on this issue too. Help destroy The New York Post; do not buy this paper. Buy not buying this paper, you will be helping to destroy racism, you will be helping destroy discrimination, and you will be helping America move forward!