Reports of President Bashar al-Assad bombing hospitals are contradicted in this report from a Syrian resident:
Physicians for Human Rights are firmly in the camp with the US supported Syrian opposition. They are not fair or unbiased. They are part of the political propaganda. For example: will they tell you about the Free Syrian Army, who are 100% supported by USA, attacking the mental hospital in Aleppo, raping the nurses and female mental patients, holding the patients and doctors hostage, and asking for ransom $$ from the families of the victims? No, they won't tell you about that, but my own friend's son was a mental patient, and he ended up loosing his legs , because they left him naked in the snow. Aleppo gets very deep snow in winter, January and February periods.
The private hospital in Homs was attacked and destroyed by FSA.
In 2011 the FSA attacked and killed and kidnapped at the National Hospital in Haffeh. This is a government free hospital, open to all, in Haffeh, which is very close to Latakia (and Slounfa). They held women who were giving birth there as hostages. They killed Doctors and patients.
The Syrian gov't probably has hit some hospitals inadvertently, during the course of battles and air raids. The Syrian Arab Army does not target hospitals. Most all of the hospitals in Syria are government owned and operated and offer FREE medical services to every citizen. If the Syrian gov't was targeting hospitals, they would be hurting themselves, and their own soldiers who need medical treatments.
However, there are private hospitals.
I know what the PHR are talking about. They are using the word HOSPITAL when they should be stating: "houses, farm houses, or shops which are in residential areas, which have never been a hospitals, but that the Syrian "rebels", aka terrorists, are using as a makeshift medical clinic.
Those are not hospitals, and have never been a hospital. If I suddenly buy some gauze, tape and alcohol wipes, and call my house a 'hospital', and my neighborhood is invested and embedded with 'rebels' aka terrorists, I could expect at some point my house, or shop, could be hit by a gov't attack. Certainly, the Syrian gov't have attacked and destroyed many areas and neighborhoods which have terrorists in them. If they have set up a make-shift hospital, then it can be hit.
The Syrian gov't has not targeted hospitals. I have corresponded with PHR in the past, over this exact subject. They gave a list of hospitals hit, which were all fake-names. In other words, if I suddenly make my house a clinic and call it the XYZ clinic, and it is attacked, there is no one who would recognize the name of XYZ clinic. If you asked 100 people, "Did you know that XYZ clinic was attacked?" They would tell you, "What is XYZ clinic? We never heard of it."
The truth of the matter is this: the Syrian gov't does not target hospitals. They do attack and target areas which have terrorists. Those terrorists are raping, maiming and killing unarmed civilians daily, not to mention the soldiers they are killing. The terrorists embed themselves in highly populated civilian neighborhoods. During the course of war, some houses or offices which are make-shift clinics, unknown to anyone except the terrorists, who are the patients, may indeed be attacked.