The Democratic Party is influenced by many factors and factions, but at it's core, it's structure is organized as a representative democracy which grows from the grassroots of America. It begins at local Precincts where you go vote. Then it grows upward through County Parties, State Parties, to a National Democratic Party.
Officers at each level are elected. To participate, all you have to do is register to vote as a Democrat with your local Board of Elections. You don't sign up with the Party. You don't pay dues. You don't ever have to renew your Membership for the rest of your life, unless you move out of your Precinct. You just walk into a meeting.
That's how the Party works. But what about the external Factions which also call themselves "Democrats"?
During the 8-year Bush Administration, left-leaning Democrats who were once called Liberals (until Republicans turned that word into a slur), began calling themselves "Progressives." Origin of the term goes back much further than that, and for half a century I've been part of this fringe progressive group all my adult life. But for purposes of this Article, I'm looking at the current Progressive "movement" as seen as an organization which calls itself Progressive Democrats of America (PDA).
PDA is an astroturf organization. It claims to represent Democrats, and pretends to have a grassroots organization which does not exist. If you go to the PDA website, you discover they represent only themselves, and that their numbers total -- at most -- a few hundred people, even including their Board Members.
So far as I can tell, no Officer in PDA is elected to any position. PDA claims to have "Chapters" in all States, but 10 States have only one person listed, and 15 have none. To become a State Rep, you just volunteer. No one in your State elects you.
My focus for 3 years has been on Progressives in my native state of North Carolina. I have several other Articles posted on OpEdNews about Progressives in NC, written about events as they have occurred. Most recent is here.
"She's a Whack Job!" said the sociopaths.Looking at names on the PDA Website who claim to represent NC, we find no one who was elected by the NC Democratic Party to represent the Party in PDA. No one is authorized by anyone in NC to speak for NC about anything. These "representatives" are self-selected, not elected by anyone in NC.
PDA claims it has a State Caucus in NC. How that relationship occurred is not known. But five years ago, a fledgling group of "progressives" calling itself Greendogs formed in NC. I was a Charter Member, donating $99, not 100% sure this was a good idea. Turns out, it never was.
During Election 2004, Greendogs spent its entire time and energy legally converting into a private membership corporation, known as Progressive Democrats of North Carolina, Inc. Endless hours were spent -- not campaigning for Democratic candidates -- but in writing and re-writing By-laws. What they cobbled together is the most Anti-Democratic organization that ever claimed to be part of the NC Democratic Party.
Because, that's what they did. They wrote that their purpose was to infiltrate the Democratic Party, and to convert the Party to service PDNC goals. Early on, PDNC became affiliated with PDA. It may have actually been started by PDA, for all anyone can tell from the outside. Because -- unlike the Democratic Party where there is total transparency for all Members -- PDA and PDNC are private organizations, which are not required to share whatever they choose not to share.
To vote at a PDNC meeting, you must first pay a membership fee. A poll tax by any other name is still anti-democratic. If some inside PDNC disagree with you, they can have you expelled. In the Democratic Party, no one may be expelled for any reason by anyone.
You have an absolute right in the Democratic Party to hold and espouse any views you choose. In the private membership corporation PDNC, you must sign an oath that confirms that you espouse whatever the Powers-that-be in PDNC have decided you should believe. Both PDNC, and it's parent PDA, are totally Anti-democratic organizations. They are, in fact, versions of corporate fascism.
In Jan 2005, PDNC figured out how to elect one of its own as Chair of the NC Democratic Party. It was a bloodless coup. Millions of ordinary NC Democrats never realized what hit them. After this Chair was elected, PDNC Members started showing up at Executive Committee Meetings as if they were an official Auxiliary of the State Party. The State Party does not allow Auxiliaries to form around ideological issues. Auxiliaries may be organized ONLY around age, gender or race. PDNC is an illegal alien, sanctioned only by the State Chair.
PDNC, with full cooperation and approval of the Chair -- but NOT from the Party -- began attaching Progressive Groups to County Parties across the State. The State Chair, using Party funds, traveled to County Parties searching for likely candidates for a Progressive invasion. More than a dozen Progressive Groups sprouted up inside the Party, with NO approval of the Party. EVERY one was illegitimately formed inside a County Party.
Members of these Progressive Units became the body guards and hit men for the Chair, whenever anyone dared to step out of line and criticize anything he chose to do. One of them in Wake County, home of the State Capitol and Party Headquarters in Raleigh, conceals his blog identity behind this name: Progressive Pittbull. This was one of his posts: I'm figuratively weilding a .50 caliber sniper rifle - and I hit what I aim at.
At the State Executive Committee meeting of over 600 NC Democrats statewide on Jan 31st, a Progressive Attack Unit now known as the Witches of Wake, publicly lynched a Candidate for Secretary of the Party. Over the years, the Chair's Progressives have attempted to destroy opposition to the Chair by having Internet Service and Face Books cancelled, bloggers kicked off Websites, and circulating anonymous lies. Progressives in NC, empowered under Lawyer and former Chair Jerry Meek, became some of the nastiest people you would ever want to know. These are the folks who believe God gave them the right to reform the NC Democratic Party in their own image.
At the SEC Meeting in Jan, Progressives failed to have their endorsed Candidate elected as Chair, when the newly elected Governor, Beverly Perdue, stepped in to back another, though unknown, Candidate. New Chair David Young operates a travel agency in Asheville, far away from the Center of Intrigue in Raleigh. Jerry married a State Rep, and just walked away, leaving all the wreckage he caused for 4 years to be dealt with by his Successor.
After the Jan SEC Meeting, Progressives invaded Precincts, as they had been advised to do in their PDNC Newsletters. Earlier this month, they infected County Party Conventions, electing their own as Officers at the County and SEC levels.
At this point in time, there is a full infestation of Progressives at every level of the Party, in some few of NC's 100 Counties. None of these Progressive Groups are permitted to be any part of the Party under a massive NCDP Plan of Organization, which has guided the Party for decades. They gnawed their way into the Party as parasites, and no one knows how to get rid of them, tho many see the expanding damage they cause. The biggest problem is that they ignore and violate the rules everyone agreed to play by. Instead, they invent whatever rules suit their goals as they go along. Here's a quoted section from a recent [NCDP-on-Trial] Newsletter #107, which is read by thousands across NC:
Progressives love to strut and brag that THEY elected Jerry, and that THEY elected Obama. For bringing him to power Jerry repaid them by allowing and encouraging unsanctioned Progressive Groups to silently invade and attach themselves to County Parties. These dozen Progressive Groups are the illegitimate bastards Jerry sired. NOT one of them is a legitimate Auxiliary born of the State Democratic Party. Jerry moved County Party Chairs into covert Rebellion against the State Party, as many as he could find, spending Democratic Party money to crisscross the State time and time again. By giving away control of the Party to select County Chairs, Jerry committed the equivalent of treason against the Party he was elected to protect and serve.
In reality, Progressive Groups had a negative effect on Election 2008. Hoping to swing NC to BLUE, Obama spent millions in NC on TV, visits, and staffing 50 Campaign Offices across NC, because Jerry's NC Democratic Party could not be counted on to deliver the votes. Jerry's Progressives pushed more Moderate, Conservative and Unaffiliated Voters into McCain's Column than they attracted to Obama's. Progressive Delusions to the contrary, the numbers don't lie.
There are 800,000 MORE registered Dems than Repubs in NC, and nearly double that registered as Unaffiliated. And yet, NC only went pale Blue in Election 2008 -- only by 14,177 votes out of over 5 MILLION cast for President. The total number of Progressives I could find -- after 2 years of searching to list them in Edition 106-B -- was less than 300. Progressives preached only to themselves, bragging loudly, but converting no one from McCain to Obama. Progressives form the greatest Mutual Admiration Society that ever existed, living fully in a constant State of Denial.
And if Progressive Groups are allowed to spread their divisiveness and dissension within the Party-- turning Democrat against Democrat -- NC will not only lose in Election 2010, but it will go back to being a RED State in 1012.
The real problem is that Progressives -- under a false cloak of promoting good changes -- in fact are severely pushing large numbers of Democrats out of the Party into waiting arms of Republicans with every move they make, and the stronger they become. Here is Edition #108, explicitly detailing what must be done to restore the North Carolina Democratic Party to sanity, before the Party soon reaches a point of no return.
[NCDP-on-Trial] 108: Democrats vs. Democrats in North Carolina
There's a Train Wreck coming.
It's been heading your way for 4 years.
It's so close, you can hear it, smell the tension in the air.
Here came a final warning of an impending disaster for the NC Democratic Party.
It arrived by Email last weekend from a Wake County Democrat of nearly 4 decades:
"What do you think are the possibilities of forming a statewide group of "Blue Dog Democrats" to counter the "Progressive" groups? It would be great to have a chapter in each and every county. The "Blue Dog Democrats of Wake County" sounds great!
Failure to do something amounts to surrender. Apathy will result in moderate to conservative democrats voting republican, not because they want to, but rather because they feel they have to. It has happened before. Historians refer to the last group of disenchanted democrats as "Reagan Democrats". ______________________________
Well, there you have it, David Young. You are 89 days into your job as Chair of the NC Democratic Party, and you have done NOTHING to avert this Train Wreck which you have been clearly warned was coming. By doing nothing, you have guaranteed that it's on a collision course, a wreckage destined to become your primary legacy to the Party.
I've been cautioning good Democrats across NC, including you, for 3 years that this was coming. A Rift. A Split. A true waste of Democratic Energy: Dems vs. Dems. Ever since self-serving Progressives put Jerry Meek in as NCDP Chair, this Train Wreck was set to happen. And what comes of this? Republicans walk off with easy victories in Election 2010, and NC becomes solid RED again in Election 2012.
Your predecessor was a Political Moron. He spent his time as Chair [and an awful lot of the Party's money] prancing across NC trying to sire Progressive Chapters in as many County Parties as he could. Jerry's illegitimate Progressive Groups grew stronger at this year's Precinct Meetings, and stronger still at recent County Conventions. Jerry's Bas-tard Progressive Groups are on the move.
Nothing but disaster for the Party could come from what Jerry did. It's on it's way.
If you do nothing by your 100th Day, you might as well pack your bags and head back to Asheville. You have hired no one as Executive Director for the Party, and the current HQ Staff is made up of a few left-over Jerry Meek clones.
The Party is broke. Reservations for the Jefferson-Jackson Fundraiser Dinner are way down from last year. No qualified professional would take a career hit by becoming Executive Director of an impending Train Wreck.
Is there ANY way to avoid this Train Wreck, Mr Chairman of the NC Democratic Party?
This was Jerry Meek's legacy to you. Jerry spent 4 years setting these Trains on a collision course, then got married, walked away, and left his mistakes and failures for you to deal with. What can you do?
Your options were created by what Jerry Meek left for you, and they are these:
1) Tell every Progressive Group attached to the Party at any level -- that for the good of the Party -- they must dissolve immediately, and detach themselves from the Party in every way. Cease and desist using the name of the NC Democratic Party in any manner whatsoever.
2) Tell every Progressive Group which refuses to immediately disband forevermore -- that for the good of the Party -- every Progressive Member of record shall be fined a prorata share of the total fair market value of all resources of the NC Democratic Party which they have used since their Group was attached to the Party.
3) Tell Progressive Democrats of North Carolina, Inc., that they have NEVER been any part of the NC Democratic Party, and therefore that this private Corporation is to repay -- immediately and in full -- all funds which have been advanced or paid to PDNC, Inc., by any unit of the NC Democratic Party, including but not limited to, all funds raised from any source, inside or outside the Party, while using the word "Democrats" in it's name.
4) Tell PDNC, Inc, -- that for the good of the Party -- this private membership Corporation shall never again claim that it represents the Party in any manner; that it has no authority to claim a right to change the NC Democratic Party in any manner whatsoever; and that this Corporation -- because it is in its foundation documents irreconcilably opposed to the fundamental precepts of the NC Democratic Party -- shall forevermore remove the word "Democrats" from it's corporate name.
If you move quickly and decisively, David, you might avoid the oncoming Train Wreck inside the Party. Jerry Meek raped the Party he was elected to honor and protect. It is your job -- if you choose to accept it -- to try to heal the Party as quickly as possible. That healing shall never occur until every vestige of any Progressive Group is permanently expunged from the Party.
May Godspeed your unenviable task.
© 2009 Gene Messick, Democratic progressive wordsmith