There are two basic sides to life, the spiritual and the physical. And there are two sexes, the female and the male. The female leads externally with spirituality and hides physicality inside her to some degree. Every once in awhile she expresses this internal physicality as a child. Likewise the male leads externally with physicality and hides spirituality inside him. Every once in a while a holy man appears who can externalize what men usually hide as unexpressed potential within them. ( Along with the spiritual talents of women are also their more emotional/social/political abilities. And along with the more physical abilities of men go as well strong mental/technical abilities. )
Spirituality is that which hides within. Science has discovered that the subatomic realm that hides within the atom is actually a far vaster and more comprehensive and more spiritual realm than the external realm it paradoxically dwells within, or at least appears to dwell within. In order to explain the subatomic realm to themselves the first of the subatomic physicists used eastern mysticism. Taoism especially was useful. All this was learned by me by reading the books of Alan Watts, and one book by the physicist Heisenberg, whose title was "Physics and Philosophy".
What that all means is that the female should dwell within all human cultural expressions and the masculine be expressed more externally. Right now we have the female expressing within the nuclear family and there she is alone, cut off from the rest of human culture. She performs there as more of a biological entity producing only physical children. To be who she should be the human female would have to have more cultural connections. I imagine it was Eve's fall that landed the human female where she is. And I imagine and have read in books by Yogananda that Eve is a symbolic character that stands for all the human race and the feminine characteristics of both of the sexes of male and female.
Currently the human female performs like a doe in a herd corralled by the patriarchal institution of marriage. She is sexual property and makes of her man more sexual property. She is a harem of one. But both sexes cheat which reveals that they lead a double life of dishonesty and a false marriage. Marriage is supposed to evolve over time to higher realms than mere physical/sexual faithfulness to a more spiritual interaction and love. How can marriage do that when it is a false contract between two people where they are both busy with sexual cheating and their energies all tied up at that level?
When the marriage vows are kept faithfully but only involve mere sexual faithfulness and not a faithfulness to a more spiritual kind of evolution of marriage to higher degrees of spiritual expression, then too the marriage is false. Humans are capable of more than mere physical/sexual marriage.
In a patriarchal society we see power than resides within as captive power. We see power that resides above as the power doing that captive corralling. But real power is not dependent on forcefully corralling another but is powerful in and of itself.
When humans evolve to realize that power if real is powerful in and of itself then we will also see that to put women at the center of all cultural activities will be to give them their rightful place. And there they will rule not by force over anyone else but by the sheer power of their spiritual and social/emotional/political abilities. And men by the power of their physical and mental/technical abilities will take their rightful place as those who rule over the outer physical universe more comprehensively.
The current meltdown of our culture is caused by the misallocation of the sexes to their rightful roles and the suppression and destruction of the talents of women. Without their spiritual/cultural guidance our society winds down to hell. And that hell shall get ever deeper until women rise to the occasion and form the centers of all that cultural needs them to do.
And there is a revolution already happening. Women are reaching past the nuclear family and engaging with men and each other to form new age communities which are extended family affiliations. This is on one level a return to the matriarchal tribe/village, but on another level we are seeing also the beginning of a fusion of masculine and feminine, or patriarchal and matriarchal cultural happenings and capabilities, which has never happened before in the human cultural scene.
We can see from this that the human race is beginning to evolve and become more than it has ever been before. This may save us. If it happens soon enough and with a widespread comprehensive thrust, it will save the human from the extinction that gnaws at his heels as of now.