"Change it or lose it" is the operative phrase regarding planet earth. If dramatic changes are not made to combat the severe impact on global warming international authority is in broad agreement that the response will be calamitous.
Bob Herbert of the New York Times in a luminously scathing critique of the Bush years on appropriately the last day of 2008, the final year of Bush's shameful custodianship, that it is not enough to let him pass quietly from the Washington scene. Herbert stated that loud demonstrations outside the White House replete with bullhorns would be appropriate.
Bush and Cheney have marched in unfailing lockstep with the most reactionary elements of a ruthless corporate establishment bolstered by an unrelenting New World Order and full speed profits ahead and damn the consequences entities such as Halliburton, the Carlyle Group and Kissinger and Associates.
Not only has war been perpetrated on a tissue of lies predicated on non-existent weapons of mass destruction; not only has torture been meted out with crass and destructive indifference at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, replete with waterboarding; the savagery of a global profit motive bereft of conscience has challenged survival of the planet.
As Kirsten Weir wrote in Salon.com and the January 1-15 issue of The Progressive Populist, not only does the planet have to live with the potential destructive consequences of carbon dioxide emissions. There are also vast stores of "carbon hidden deep beneath our feet." Methane hydrates, or clathrates, are "ice like gas deposits buried under permafrost and deep below the seafloor."
What is the potential danger of methane hydrates? According to the doomsday scenario if global temperatures continue rising, some methane hydrates will melt. This process will send methane gas bubbling up through the ocean and into the atmosphere. The methane will trap heat close to the earth's surface, causing temperatures to climb even higher.
David Archer, a geophysicist at the University of Chicago, states with blunt brevity that the story "has a great apocalyptic side to it."
It is time to get moving on this important issue. How many times have you heard the issue of undersea methane discussed by George Bush or Dick Cheney? Have the Bush-Cheney-New World Order Republican lackeys Mitch McConnell in the Senate and John Boehner in the House been on top of this issue? Actually, in response to the undersea element, they have not even been on the bottom of it.
What great shame that so-called leaders of what Bush has prized as the world's fountainhead of a democratic spirit he intended to spread throughout the Middle East did nothing but battle the issue of climate change.
What did the people of Luxembourg or Tasmania do to us, Mr. Bush? Let's take everyone down in our despotic ocean of global indifference as we sink deeper and deeper into a quicksand of selfish profiteering.
Ah yes, and what is your final message? Gee, I'll be missing those Air Force One flights and those tasty White House meals. Such is the pathetic story of gluttonous world indifference set aside for hedonist desires.
Come to think of it, isn't hedonism one of those words that your brainwash merchants over at Fox News and the circuit of ditto heads of the radio circuit of drug-addicted Rush Limbaugh say applies to the progressive left?