Living (persisting across space) creatures do not recognise reality. They think they do, but they do not, and seemingly do not know why. The reason is because the senses enabled by their living metabolisms are apparently active across space, so they can see only the finest slice of universal reality, seeing it as 'the present' of an apparently active world, rather than what really exists. But humans, if not the rest, would vociferously protest at the very idea if you told them, and just you try and stop them pontificating about everything anyway as if they create and own it all.
Consider this: the things of 'last year' were of merely the inscrutable 'future' of all previous 'past', and everything of 'next year' is nothing other than of the evident inevitable 'past' of everything in space from there on. It is only our view from our little fixed span in space that permits our impression of 'time' and its concomitant 'action'. Even in the same individual the rate of perception of this varies enormously from infancy to old age. It also restricts us to the impression that Universe is 'in action', which view may very well be false, considering that everythibg of 'past, present and future' exists as a single entity, both static and complete, existing simultaneously.
Take a photograph. the result represents the state of Universe seen from that exact position in space. Take a video; matched exactly, it represenhts the sequence of the view taken from that span of space. The fact of this appears to escape the notice of even the most astute and noteworthy in considering the nature of Universe. For some unimaginable reason they want it all to be somehow 'in progress and going somewhere'.
So when you die and your metabolism stops, your sensation of 'time' also stops and, if you still exist and are aware in any sense, then you experience Universe in its true character as what we now visualise as 'eternity'.
I am just mentioning what would seem to be obvious, so why the fact of our very distorted view is not taken into account when inspecting the mechanism of reality, we can only speculate.
So think about it, and see whether you agree and understand it more clearly now.