The Real Deal
Following the precedent set by the Square Deal and the New Deal, the Real Deal consists of the 3 B's.
*BREAK UP the monopolies, Big Banks, and Wall Street sovereignty... restoring government regulations on Big Business, removing tax loopholes that benefit only the wealthiest of Americans, and restoring a more progressive federal tax code. reinstating Glass-Steagall, a regulatory firewall between investment and commercial banking. Passed in the wake of the Great Depression, much of Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999 (GLBA), which significantly contributed to the severity of the 2008 financial crisis. taxing Wall Street speculation to discourage short-term gambling and promote long-term investing.
*BRING BACK the middle class, social justice, and a sense of global stability... creating jobs (public works and stimulating green energy), raising the minimum wage, supporting organized labor, and preventing free-trade agreements like the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). decriminalizing marijuana, reforming the criminal justice system, and putting an end to mass incarceration. Also, it is imperative to address the growing heroin epidemic by regulating Big Pharma more effectively, restricting legal opioid distribution, and implementing rehabilitation more extensively. forming a coalition of Arab counties to lead the fight against ISIS. America must also do its part, but we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT do it alone. Violence and destruction are not tenets of, nor are they unique to Islam. But unfortunately, bigotry and radical forms of Islam AND Christianity are being used as tools of recruitment for terrorist organizations. These dangerous ideologies are fueled by intolerance and can only be defeated by forming alliances with the majority of people who reject such philosophies.
*BUILD UP green energy, our crumbling infrastructure, and our minds and bodies to regenerate the Age of Enlightenment... investing in the mass production of wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass technologies, which will drive down the unit cost of equipment, wean us from our dependence on fossil fuels, and quite possibly save the human race from extinction. rebuilding roads, bridges, railroads, electric grids and broadband internet connections et cetera, which will create jobs and cut down on carbon emissions (public transportation and telecommuting). allowing mothers to stay at home with their newborns, investing in public education for ALL Americans (not just the affluent), and making public colleges and universities tuition free. implementing Medicare-for-All. The contemporary healthcare system is more reactionary than preventative, and it's less efficient and cost effective than universal healthcare, which is a human right.
(Article changed on October 11, 2016 at 18:23)
(Article changed on October 12, 2016 at 01:12)
(Article changed on October 12, 2016 at 01:16)