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"To those three soldiers who got killed in Afghanistan the other day," said Ian. "They died fightin' for our freedom."
"Freedom isn't free," Bill solemnly declared as the men raised their glasses and drank.
"That's bullshit," Steve mumbled into his glass.
"Aww, come on," said Bill.
"Alright, see this is why I don't buy rounds for you pricks no more," said Ian.
"I mean why are they still there?" said Steve. "Look, Ian, I appreciate you buying us drinks, but it's f*cking bullshit that those guys are even there. They're not fighting for our freedom, and neither are our boys in Iraq or in Syria or anywhere else."
"Man, shut up," said Ian.
"Hey, you set him off," laughed Ed. "Buckle up."
"The whole thing's bullshit. It's got nothing to do with freedom, it's about controlling resources and strategic locations. Poppy production went through the roof since we sent our boys to Afghanistan, and Iraq was switched back to the petrodollar right after we invaded. In 2000 Saddam took Iraq off the petrodollar and started selling oil in euros, then we invaded and right afterward they switch back to selling it in dollars like all the other OPEC nations. I'm talking like, weeks afterward. A few men got real rich off the blood of our troops. Real rich. You guys want a red pill, read a little book called War Is a Racket by General Smedley Butler. It's almost a hundred years old and it's just as true today."
"Man I hate this conspiracy theory sh*t," said Ian.
"Ain't no fuckin' theory man, it's just a fact," said Greg. "Just do a little research. We are being played. You think that bullshit they tell you on TV is real? The whole thing's fake and they're barely even hiding it."
"Well even their excuse for going to Afghanistan was 9/11, and that was a total false flag," said Ed.
"Ah sh*t, here we go," Bill said, rolling his eyes.
"It was!" Ed exclaimed. "You can learn this sh*t on Youtube in an hour or two. Just look up Building 7 of the World Trade Center. Research what kindsa physics would have to happen for those buildings to fall like that and tell me you still believe that sh*t. Do you know what the odds are of a newly trained pilot pulling off the kinda strike they say hit the Pentagon? It's impossible, and that's why there's no video or forensic evidence of it, cuz it was a goddamn missile. The whole thing was an inside job in collaboration with Mossad and the Saudis. 9/11, that's the real red pill."
"I think JFK is the real red pill," said Greg. "This country's been run by the CIA since 1963, ever since they staged a coup and pinned it on Oswald. That's when everything started getting real fucked up. The official story is so fulla holes you could drive a flatbed through it. They've been lying to us about what happened in Dallas for 55 years, and they're still lying."
"Man you guys are way further down the rabbit hole than me," laughed Steve. "I don't know about that stuff."
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