Some ending of America's (Memorial Worthy in the latest Defense authorization? Award worthy too?) Longest War! It looks like Afghanistan may become another over-the-horizon war instead, with a new base of operations in India. American wars are conducted more and more from the air, even by drone because who needs expensive pilots who might get shot down and cause bad PR, when you can power drones from a "neutral" country? Of course, stationing an attack force in northwestern India - no peaceful area already - will bring plenty of opprobrium on that country. India was having trouble holding onto Kashmir anyway, with both Taliban-friendly Pakistan and border-disputing China banging around. Better send in the Americans! Defend India against terrorists...or something.
Territory doesn't matter much anymore. Afghanistan too tough? Simply move the war theater! The war profits keep coming, regardless, in American's biggest jobs program.
Never mind that as a fitting "end" to the Afghanistan war, bombs blew up and killed 10 innocent Afghanis, as even the DoD admits now; in fact, the main target was someone who supported the American effort and actually wanted to emigrate to America with his family and escape retribution from the Taliban! Whoopsie! Who's side are we on, again?
It will never end. Over a decade ago I was telling anyone who would listen that drones would change war forever, removing almost all risk of American soldier deaths from war and making possible endless wars. And, here we are. Without risk of death, what happens "over there" becomes unnoticed, not just forgotten.
The next excuse for endless wars will be cyber-attacks. Just watch and see...