Finance in today's world has become war by non-military means. Its
object is the same as that of military conquest: appropriation of land
and basic infrastructure, and the rents that can be extracted as
tribute. In today's world this is taken mainly in the form of debt
service and privatization. That is how neoliberalism works, subduing
economies by indebting their governments and using unpayably high debts
as a lever to pry away the public domain at distress prices. It is what
today's New Cold War is all about. Backed by the IMF and European
Central Bank (ECB) as knee-breakers in what has become in effect a
financial extension of NATO, the aim is for U.S. and allied investors to
appropriate the plums that kleptocrats have taken from the public
domain of Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet economies in these
countries, as well as whatever assets remain.
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(Article changed on May 18, 2014 at 15:42)