The hot topic today is why whites are so angry in this country. Why is "the Donald" so popular? How did the Tea Party take over the Congress and statehouses and governorships all over the country?
Why are there so many divisions in our
society at all?
For the point of this discussion Progressives can't get lost in whether or not Tea Party folk and some conservative Republicans are correct in their facts and subsequently their opinions. Nor lay any claim to having all the answers on the Progressive side. Because if we want to understand the unrest, the outrage, the fear in the country today on all sides, we need to simplify the conversation. And understand that there must be equally maddening points about Progressives that conservatives hate and so on. Differences that may be more manufactured by a few interested parties to be seemingly intractable than they are in reality, substantively important to the actual working class person.
It's also worth mentioning "they" are right. Things aren't very good for Whites or Blacks or Hispanics or anyone in the middle class in America these days. (Also poor folks have seen better days too.) Another manufactured sticking point always tends to be the definition of middle class. Is $250,000 and below the right number? While I personally disagree with contemporary definitions and it dilutes the point and isn't relevant to the conversation. Because if you are not one of the 20 richest people in the country. You have been Willie Lynched. You have been made a slave.
Never heard of Willie Lynch (no relation, thankfully)? He was one of the most detestable humans to ever walk the earth. And a great hero to slave owners from the West Indies to the America's in the late 1600s and early 1700s. Because he had finally refined a system so brutal, physically and physiologically, it finally worked to increase productivity, limit loss and slave uprisings. These uprisings were a constant problem because by the time you had enough slaves to run the plantation, you were handily outnumbered. The larger your plantation, the larger your problems. So if you have ever worked a day in your life building this country or serving in the military or both, if you have ever worried about money and bills, I'm talking to you.
Willie Lynch's form of rule is as nuanced as it was overtly brutal. He guaranteed "it will control the slaves for 300 years." His advice was to create divisions amongst the slaves. "I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves, I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust and envy for control purposes." Light skinned vs dark, the term "high yellow" refers to this and is still as insult in some African American circles. He made factions by age, experience, indoor and outdoor work, offering small compensations to the favored slaves of that day.
This was effective as a means to keep the slaves from standing as one. If anyone stepped out of line they were brutalized. If you were a man you were made an example of. Willie advised that the way to keep all your slaves in line was to have any man who disobeyed in any way, trying to escape, organize others or stand up in any way handled in the following manner. Gather all the slaves together with the man's wife and children, brothers and sisters, parents (if they were still alive). Then tar and feather him, tie him hand and foot to horses, light him on fire and pull him apart, drawn and quartered. He then recommended whipping the remaining men close to death, but not dead, because killing them would ruin your "economics".
At this point he would turn his horrible focus on the women. "Keep the body, take the mind." He broke them like they were horses, so they could be ridden comfortably by anyone. He broke them because in their "natural" state they might seek their "customary freedom" and in doing so "might kill you in your sleep." And that wouldn't be good economics either. Besides if you really want to get your plantation under control you have to "keep your eyes and thoughts on the female and the offspring of the horse and the n-----r." "Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking but concentrate on future generations." Therefore "if you break the female mother, she will break the offspring" and "when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for their normal female protective tendencies will have been lost."
Repeat as necessary. Why am I telling you this? Because this has happened to you. It's happened to us all. Not in all its violent physical evil but the outcome has been the same, psychologically in its own diabolical way.
How does this apply to angry whites, well frankly they hadn't realized they are the neo-slaves in the latest incarnation of our US economy, but are now pretty sure "someone" is stealing everything from them. But a sadder state of affairs is most other white people haven't realized it yet. Now I apologize for using the term slave in relation to whites as we more often filled the other role. I don't want to in any way diminish the suffering of black people in America or the suffering of any minority. A more accurate historical comparison might be indentured servitude. A position whites thought was behind them, but it doesn't have the emotional impact in today's parlance and I don't think it's accurate.
The unimaginably wealthy have gained such control of our nation's wealth as to have staked out plantations within the US (and the world's) economy. Making them our economic Lords and Ladies, Kings and Queens, and we their serfs and servants. And I make no assertions that they have elected a "supreme leader". I'm not asserting there is a great plot. What I'm saying is that these plantation owners have agreed on "the best management practices" and that recognizes the factions among slaves on their individual plantations must be maintained at all cost. A more contemporary term than plantation might be financials arenas but then that would make us gladiators. And slaves are what have been made of us.
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