This grand stimulus package would see the creation of a minimum level of prosperity, and would directly and immediately increase the need for local goods and services and create a demand for millions of vacant homes.
There is no shortage of of goods and services in this country. Method and cost of access are the issue.
A clear example: it's no accident that the world's second richest man Carlos Slim, worth 30+ billion dollars, also controls 90 percent of the land-lines (non-cell telephones) in Mexico. This is a fantastic economic system for one man (and his gang) at the expense of 108 million men, women and children. Is that a fair or even desirable arrangement?
Certainly there is no economic reason why everyone in Mexico should not have access to a phone--and to calls anywhere in the world for almost nothing--and still provide a nice income for the telephone company.
I say nationalize (democratize?) key sectors of the economy, take control (and profits) away from a select few individuals, and give the assets (control) back to consumers, the many. This country has everything it needs to provide a high standard of living to every citizen with huge potential for having much more --just by continuing to do what we are doing now--but guided by specific goals for the advancement of the majority.
The two plans below are simply the least amount of goods and services that we (the people) should be committed to providing each and every man, woman and child. Serving humanity is the cost of doing business for service providers, and worth every penny.
If your only income is a monthly government check, (or you have no income) then you would qualify for one of the programs below. Families would be able to pool their benefits.
Wellness One - provides for:
Secure Room with Bed, Desk, Storage, Laundry
Health Care, Clothing
Phone, Computer & Internet
Prepared Meals & Food
Shared Washrooms, Common Area
Debit Card (x dollars per week, month)
Community Support & Participation
Wellness Two - provides for:
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