The enormous number of women marching recently is uplifting and heartening. Still, the movement is misguided if the focus of the protest is strictly on gender issues. Of course Trump feels entitled by virtue of gender and class to disrespect, abuse and criminally attack women. However, the broader issue here is one of power. I have pointed out elsewhere in articles submitted to OpEdNews that we do not have democracy; we have the American fascist state--undeclared fascism hiding behind the illusion of democracy. Hence, we have the quintessential manifestation of masculine power that seeks dominion over all others: the disenfranchised generally, blacks, indigenous, LGBT, the poor, the middle class and yes, women!
When the female half of our population takes to the street to protest injustice we have a meaningful and hopeful movement. However, if women misunderstand the fundamental issue is power, the meaning and hope wane.
It is more difficult to organize one's thoughts and understanding against the totality of the power structure that oppresses us than to resist a piece of the overall problem and challenge that, however ineffectual it may be. There is also the concern that while notable and hopeful to have so many women in the streets are we not simply asking 'them' to stop grabbing us, shooting us, poisoning our water, our air? Are those we 'ask' really interested? We know the answer and we must discuss this! The process allowed by the illusion of democracy will not resolve this.
I have a similar concern regarding the Black Lives Matters Movement (BLM), which, I think, felt some reluctance with associating themselves with the women's march because the focus of the march might dilute or divert attention from the principal BLM concern around racial injustice. I assert again that the battle is about power and abuse of power, which seems everywhere but is really held by very few.
There is no chance for change to this sick abuse power dynamic if we lack the intellectual capacity to understand 'we', together, must change the very nature, the shape, form, the existence of the power pyramid that controls all of our lives all of the time AND we must at the same time embody, each and all, a profound sense of responsibility for humanity and the planet.
I acknowledge that the problem I focus on as power is really a problem of spirituality. Anyone who seeks dominion 'over' is spiritually devolved. These less-evolved people gravitate to power and wield power in ways normal, balanced, decent humans simply cannot grasp. There are a lot of us here who are balanced but we are not predisposed or possibly capable of vying for power with those of such evil intent. as we are controlled by. We must discuss this! (Trump is an agent of real power though does not yet know it.)
Finally, I guess I am casting about for encouragement from strong, focused, decent souls who can look this evil in the eye and still see a way to a better future--hello, anyone?
Don Scotten