I am so sickened and appalled by the lacking care, patience and intelligence in the nation I was born and raised in I feel compelled to apologize to the people abroad who might read my writing. I am sorry for the sea of stupidity we are immersed in, world.
Otherwise I will proceed straight to the point. When I was a youth in Maine I was taught by some independent minded person or another that there was the law and there was also the spirit of the law. The law might state that police have the right to detain and imprison someone who jaywalks - walks out of predetermined lines - but in The Spirit of The Law it is not required that everyone be wrestled to the ground because of said stepping of the predetermined lines. The same can be said of any policing excuse used by cops to enforce some arbitrary line or another. The Spirit of The Law of jaywalking is to be safe and not interfere with traffic.
The Spirit of The Law existed to maintain safety, to enhance individual liberty, and provide benefit or at least prevent detriment of community. Law enforcement today little considers The Spirit of The Law and frequently utilize bureaucratic systems and administration to encroach safety, encroach liberty, and provide benefit to regional institutions. Without The Spirit of The Law police break social contracts of fairness and liberty and hide behind laws to the point of killing people without care nor patience just bureaucratic, smug order following.
Lacking comprehension of and even recognition of The Spirit of The Law has provided a platform for forgiving ignorance and uplifting ignorant bullies. This has certainly contributed to swell of the sea of stupidity.
The Spirit of The Law: law supports individual liberty, not investigatory, prosecutorial mandates.
The Spirit of Law is very important and its lacking is literally in part causational to the death of individuals and the degradation of the collective. And yet no matter its importance and no matter its lacking having influence The Law of Spirit is much more important perhaps ultra-important.
I learned what I call The Law of Spirit when I was about 13 commuting to high school from The Bronx to Harlem. The way I learned was a little bit different though. It was presented to me in the most eloquent lesson in a most embodied manner by a school friend who dropped the knowledge of self on me, one of first tastes of individuation. I was ignorant of The Bible, religion and theology in total other than the cultural inferences and expectations of my surroundings.
My friend on the other hand was not so ignorant. The way he taught me The Law of Spirit was contrasting the white western world belief system of prayer with the spiritual science he was learning at the time. He was learning and teaching lessons from The Nation of The Gods and Earths.
'Hold up. Stop for a second. Let me ask you, does God answer your prayers?'
'Yes, possibly.'
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