supporters, not supporters of People's Interests, it may come to pass
that the Supremes will "unexpectedly" allow the PPACA.....which, after
all, is a huge gift to Wall Street by way of Billions of Dollars that
for-profit insurers invest in Wall Street interests.
because Tea
Baggers, el al, are against the "Obamacare" mandate doesn't mean we
ought not also oppose it, for far more substantial reasons than the odd
deal about the Commerce Clause that the Supreme Court will play with.
has exposed for-profit insurers' multi-billion dollar investments in
both the cigarette industry and fast foods....but exposure of other
insurer investments in other health-damaging industries (oil, fracking,
military contractors, prisons, pesticides, chlorine, GMOs, coal, etc
etc.,) hasn't come out yet. Why
the huge insurer links to the popularly-hated Cigarette industry
haven't become primary topics among Single Payer activists remains a
It's a possibility, if not automatic likelihood, that
Single Payer is such a threat to the private insurance industry and Wall Street that the
Single Payer movement has been we've seen in Occupy
Movements, environmental activist groups, and distract from such potentially-effective
topics. With many billions of dollars involved, it is impossible that
infiltration hasn't occurred. Shareholders count on such traditional tactics.
No One would tolerate being
compelled to patronize so called "health" insurers which are
multi-billion dollar owners of cigarette and fast food interests IF they
knew about that. There is no acceptable excuse for silence about that.
that the PPACA also implicitly compels people to contribute revenues to
private insurers to use to fund lobbying...for laws many of us may
oppose. That money has nothing to do
with the Public Interest of health care...yet there it is, with no complaint or opposition.
Note how Single Payer activists also (generally or uniformly) ignore
the fact that a lot of supposed "health care" money (from both
for-profits and non-profits) also goes to spending on political
campaigns....for candidates many of us wouldn't vote for at
No Public Health Care Interest exists there, but
we must pay for it anyway or risk IRS penalties. With the PPACA
mandate, millions would be unknowingly contributing to such candidates' assault on everyone's voting rights, and a theft of
everyone's health care revenues.
In any case, who can expect
proper health care from interests that invest hugely in the most
health-damaging industries on the planet? Just try to buy insurance
against, say, dioxin poisoning from an insurer that invests billions in
dioxin-producing chlorine industries.
We must demand that insurers participating in the Government-Imposed PPACA "Obamacare" thing....
A) divest from all health-damaging industry investments,
B) cannot spend any of their "health care" revenues on lobbying,
C) cannot spend any of that revenue on political campaigns, and
cannot spend any of that "mandate" money (or any tax money in the
low-income voucher scheme) on non-health-care-related things like the
above and on CEO bonuses, corporate jets, advertising and PR, trade
meetings, and lawn care and brass polish at their corporate
Add those simple, sensible provisions...and the
"mandate" scheme will disappear, leaving no option but tax-paid,
public-administered, corporate-free Single Payer.
Reference material available via search of terms ("PNHP tobacco", "PNHP fast food", "dioxin cigarette smoke", "chlorine dioxin". etc etc.). Use to search, not Google, unless you prefer that private industries use your personal info for profit without paying you.