There is nothing more divisive and controversial for us human beings than sexuality. For several centuries, we of the European and Middle East descent have cultivated an attitude that sex was sinful in the spiritual sense and dirty in the psychological. The patriarchal fear of women has led our cultures to suppress them.
Yet, other cultures have not declared sexuality to be dirty, nor counter to spirituality. For example, in Hindu there is a practice called Tantra in which sex is taught and performed in such a manner that there is an evolution of body, mind and spirit for the practitioners.
Both sexuality and spirituality lead us into the realms of ecstasy. They both reassure us that we "belong" to something greater than our own egos. Could it be that joining them would have a quantum effect on our ushering joy, peace, and fulfillment into a world in dire need of these qualities?
Consider that perhaps we have not evolved because of the denial of our sexuality and how that speaks to our evolution from within ourselves? Perhaps in being externally oriented (e.g., more concerned about controlling other people specifically and Nature in general) rather than inward in relationship to the environment, we have not evolved as a species? In saying this, I am speaking to physical, psychological and spiritual evolution. I do not mean sailing about in airplanes. The latter is an evolution of technology, not the human species. Evolution as a species is the sprouting of wings that leads to flight. In this sense, the dinosaurs that morphed into birds evolved. We humans in building airplanes did not.
One could argue that our intellectual evolution occurred regarding flight when we looked at how birds' wings are evolved in relationship to aerodynamics. And, how did the birds know to grow wings that were aerodynamic? Was it through behavioral reinforcement and punishment techniques? I doubt it. How did those wings evolve unless there was a deep wisdom inherent in their body, beyond their surface layer intelligence, by which they evolved wings?
Makes you wonder: what potentials and powers lie dormant within us today?
This is a question Drs. Rob and Janelle Alex, Ph.D. pose as they mentor couples around the globe regarding their sexuality They are best selling authors, speakers, and hosts of the Mission Date Night podcast. They are passionate about the secret intelligence of relationships, secret animal powers, and transcendent lovemaking. In such work, Rob and Janelle are obliterating long-standing myths about sexual relationships.
Rob and Janelle teach, "Sex is far more than just a physical act to get a release or to make babies." Nor is sexuality counter to religion. When we merge our sexuality with our spirituality we open a gateway to planes of existence we may never have dreamed of.
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