Taking Sides...
We all do it. However, we seldom evaluate why we chose one side over the other. Instead, many people pick a side because of friends, family, social media, affinity group affiliation, political party affiliation, corporate mandate or religious affiliation.
Now imagine that you were eating dinner with some friends and there were 2 side dishes. One of your friends whispers to you that one of the side dishes was great and the other was terrible. Not to offend your friend or to avoid the possible exposure to eating something hideous...you avoid the one side dish. Basically, you allowed someone else to influence your decision without making your own educated decision.
Now imagine that you listened to your friend's advice, but chose to try both side dishes. You now are making the choice to determine whether the food is good or bad based on your own taste pallet.
The moral to this story is to make decisions on your own and not just based on what you heard from others. Ask questions. Discover for yourself. Develop your own views on life, politics, and spiritual beliefs, etc. Don't be a follower. Be an educated leader.
Learn more about the Iran Deal from President Obama: click here