What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
The Bible
As I write this article, I am aware that Genesis is not the only creation story going. In my upcoming book, Sophia's Web I get into the various creation stories throughout the world. In their diversity I have found their unity. So, please keep this in mind and do not think that I am saying the Judea, Christian and Hebrew account of creation is IT.
In fact, I would say that the Genesis account of creation is a holographic mirror to all other culture's accounts of creation and is one with what physicist David Bohm refers to as the Unmanifest Implicate Order (the Uncreated) giving birth to the Manifest Explicit Order (the incarnation, me writing and you reading).
Within the Greek language, this Spirit was called by the feminine name of Sophia Episteme and in Kabbalistic Hebrew, the female and male Hockmah Binah.
When Christ was born, He was thus deemed as the incarnate Wisdom or Sophia of God.
So are we all.
How can I say this?
Well, lets meditate on how we built our bodies. In essence, a fetus builds his or her self via a communication of cells that define what a cell needs to be in relationship to the whole. Every cell, then, has the knowledge for being any part of the baby's body but manifests in accordance to the needs of the whole.
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