I got a call twenty-five years ago from one of my oldest friends informing me that he was a new Dad. Four days ago I got a call from that same old friend informing me that the boy he called me about twenty-five years ago was in the trauma unit of a hospital in San Antonio. He had been shot in the calf and the chest by another kid packing a 45 caliber pistol. Thankfully, he's going to be OK -- well if you consider having one's spleen removed and a permanently damaged leg OK. But we're not OK. We've let this young man's well being and the well being and lives of scores of other young Americans be hijacked by a wildly unstable lunatic fringe that has also hijacked America. What the Nazi's or the Japanese were not able to accomplish the gun addicts have -- killing scores of young and old Americans on the American mainland. Like the old saying goes -- Guns don't kill people sick people in Congress do.
The United States of America is a very sick place. Progressives and liberals and just plain good, old mentally healthy folks have sat on their hands while the nut cases have monopolized the National conversation, dragging Christ around with one hand and a gun with the other. The most amazing thing is that we've allowed this to happen. The most chilling aspect of this is that they don't see the dichotomy, the irony. They are a coarse, ungraceful, perversely proportioned people. Their insane, blind obeisance to "The Constitution" and "The Bible", both of which they "fundamentally" interpret through the fog of their mean, deranged "Conservative" ecstatic state. Individually they have become the religion. En masse they are a plague.
Getting back to my friend's son. He is a troubled young man. He probably shouldn't have been where he was. I was also a troubled young man once. I went to places I shouldn't have gone. The worst I ever got was a few stitches and a really bad hangover. Our children are recreationally operating in a war zone. The gun worshipers will say that my friend's son asked for it by being where he was. They will underhandedly diminish and villainize him. They will chatter away the murder of the students in Oregon yesterday by claiming that if the students, teachers, custodians, etc. were armed it wouldn't have happened - these are some really twisted folks and they are holding the reins of the country.
How can a country have meaningful gun control legislation in a place that worships violence, snipers and war. Guns are our black totems. Guns will save us from Communism, robbers, terrorists, a despotic American Government; but we can't save our young citizens from guns. They are our national sacrifice. We have chosen to sit back and allow our children to become burnt offerings at the altar of the second amendment while the crazies whirl around it in a ballistic ecstasy -- wild eyed "Christian" dervishes.
My friend's son, a handsome, athletic, sweet young man, will now be altered permanently. He will carry the mark of the American beast with him forever. The snarling, foul gun worshipers will not skip a beat or shed a tear. The gun always wins. As the next week progresses and some faint calls for reform percolate through the mush, the crazies will sit comfortably at home, watching the Jesus as gunslinger pageant on FOX NEWS, knowing that the gun always wins, it excels at its purpose, my friend and the families of the dead in Oregon know this very well.
(Article changed on October 3, 2015 at 08:12)