The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.
~Charles Bauldelaire
Today people get by with simple understanding of inference and not by understanding actual meaning. People have a more thorough understanding of contemporary rhetoric than they do definition. Many often seem to understand what is being communicated by feeling alone and not by thought at all.
A conspiracy theory is nothing more than a guess at what secretive plans were made. A conspiracy is a secret plan made to harm some and benefit others. A theory is a hypothesis and as it concerns conspiracies usually begins with an old question when a suspicious event occurs; quo bono? Who benefits?
Conspiracies occur all the time, theories concerning them are articulated by the likes of lawyers and anarchists alike, all the time. Conspiracy theorizing is not some new trend which ought to be belittled and scoffed at, it is an ageless process taken up by the greatest minds in history. All of the original patriots of the U.S.A. were conspiracy theorists; pointing out the oligarchic connections of the Company John. Mark Twain was a conspiracy theorist as well, describing the most common type of lie permeating all and belittling thought; silent assertion lies. President Eisenhower was perhaps one of the greatest conspiracy theorists ever. The West Point graduate, Veteran, Five Star General and Commander in Chief warned the people of the U.S.A. to beware of the military industrial complex. He coined the term based on his unique viewpoint. Read or listen to his farewell address. One symptom of this infestation of the military industrial complex is the intermixing of corporate and political office exhibited most blatantly by Dick Cheney and by a whole slew of others as well.
"Our military
organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my
predecessors in peacetime or indeed by the fighting men of World War Two or Korea."
~President Eisenhower
Being a knowledgeable President is certainly helpful in probing and proposing conspiracy theories of course, but not necessary. One need only pay attention to history and current events to note evidence which points to some sort of conspiracy surrounding events and circumstances. Such wild things as facts point out that people make clandestine plans to benefit themselves all the time, at the cost of others, all the time. Understanding of language is a quality prerequisite, this can assist in not only deduction of what is said, but also to analyze why they are saying what they say, how they might be steering thought with statement. Asking questions beginning with who benefits is another quality prerequisite.
Conspiracies run far and wide, but the conspiracies of institutions or institutional operatives involve and effect the greatest number of people making them the most disturbing. Conspiracies are ubiquitous. Many people make plans to benefit off of events, the worst and most outlandish are those which instigate events to benefit from. The greatest conspiracy ever conspired was to convince the world conspiracies do not exist. Today subtly and directly many would like to induce a mistrust of those who merely utterance the word conspiracy or theory. An understanding of language, asking questions and knowledge of distant and recent history is key to differentiating coincidence from conspiracy.
A conspiracy theory might be true or ridiculous, but the phrase itself ought not to be presumption either way. The greatest conspiracy ever conspired was to convince the world that conspiracies do not exist. All plotting institutions and diabolical individuals, some with institutional ties, all seek to convince people that all conspiracy theorists are always clinically wacky and not ever critical thinkers. They will such a belief for if they are not currently conniving they might like to cover up a past or future plot. Anyone who would make deductions, wild or on point, concerning quo bono or boldly question authority in some other capacity are subject to scorn by the very conspirators as well as those who prefer to look the other way as opposed to confronting conspirators, those who would rather live the silent assertion lie.
The greatest conspiracy assists all others. The greatest number of conspiracies concerns war for energy and energy for war. The war and energy conspiracy began with stories such as say Rudolph Diesel dying at sea, continuing on to the removal of localized family distilleries via alcohol prohibition in Europe and the U.S.A. Further including the illegalization of hemp as a localized resource of biofuels and anything carbon for that matter via the veil of marijuana demonization. And today the insistence continues, the silent assertion lie has steadied the notion we must mine our fuels instead of grow them and must endanger entire regions of mother earth with nuclear accidents or oil spills. Continuously mired in conflict, always with energy resources providing a backdrop for explosions, at best energy benefits the few and at worst costs the entirety of a region.