This is the second in a two-part series on Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential bid. It's excerpted from his new book Kamala!
Virtually from the moment that Vice President Harris took office in 2021 she had to spend a lot of time defending the Biden administration, Democrats, and most importantly herself, from withering criticism. So withering that at one point most Americans thought she was doing a lousy job as vice president. Her rating in an October USA Today/Suffolk poll that year bottomed out at twenty-one percent approval. That was a historic low. No vice president and that included Bush's controversial always under fire VP, Dick Cheney, had reached that historic low.
Before, during, and after Biden's White House win, the talk was non-stop about his age and health. There was endless speculation over what to do if Biden faltered from illness or something age related in his first years in the White House.
There was even more speculation over whether Biden, who would turn age eighty during a reelection bid in 2024, would be up to the grind of a campaign, or even make the effort. In every instance the chatter about Biden's future immediately turned back to Harris. She would be the logical successor as a presidential candidate or as a fill in president if illness rendered Biden unable to perform his duties.
The GOP sniffed blood and deep vulnerability, and yet another monumental opportunity to attack. Harris now became their prime target. Their game plan was simple--wage a gutter campaign of sniping, rumor-mongering, and flat-out attacks on her. A parade of GOP officials and candidates snatched at that game plan against Harris as the vice-president.
Next, hammer her as a poor organizer and a hard taskmaster. Play up any grousing from staff members about her supposed failings as an
administrator. This subtly reinforced the image of Harris as an ill-equipped and unfocused administrator. This combined the crucial elements of a personal and political hit attacks to weaken the GOP's perceived major rival for the White House in 2024.
Those attacks were just the warm-up for the even bigger, bolder, and venomous slurs against her the moment she became the Democratic presidential contender.
The other supposed Harris vulnerability was the same one the GOP played on to tar Hillary Clinton in her 2016 presidential bid. Strong, tough, decisive, and, yes, aggressive, are the exact qualities that voters and millions of Americans want and expect in their leaders. For many, that means the presidential office is a man's office. Polls still show that a considerable number of voters say they have reservations about a woman president.
Trump exploited that sentiment to the hilt. He was the biggest sexist, misogynist, female abuser that ever sat in the White House. But he was still seen as brash, tough, and outspoken. For many women, which seemed to mark him as having the right stuff to be President. Seventy-four million-plus voters still thought that about him in his losing bid for reelection in 2020. Millions of those voters were women voters.
As vice-president, the GOP's shots at Harris did much harm. As mentioned, her poll rating plunged to an historic low in 2021 and 2023. However, that wasn't the entire story. In the early months of her VP tenure her ratings were favorable. That is until the critics piled in on her. In the stunningly short span of three months the reversal in her ratings plunge downward was breathtakingly astounding.
The GOP believed that had the perfect foil in Harris to cripple Biden and his policies. But equally important, it recognized that she could well be the Democrat's candidate for President in 2024 if Biden chose not to run
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