We're headed over the Cliff of ecocide, and the Environmental Movement that we've counted on to steer us away from it has been perverted by money. Most environmental organizations are now in the enemy camp.
- "Green energy" is predominantly biofuels which is another name for chopping down forests to create wood chips.
- McKibben's 350 movement is linked to biofuel interests.
- Solar cells use more fossil energy over their lifetime than they replace.
- The Nature Conservancy is selling off some forests to protect others.
- "Green" investment funds have their largest stakes in the Banksters who fund pipelines and fracking. They also invest in Coca-Cola and Big Pharma.
Planet of the Humans is a powerful new movie from Michael Moore, and it's free on Youtube.
Vandana Shiva gets special mention as one of the few activists who has remained clean and truthful.
Here's a Daily Kos review of the film.