Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008
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The Earth Constitution Is Not Similar to Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum
By Roger Copple
The implementation of the Earth Constitution would prevent nations from aspiring to become empires and constantly going to war with one another. The Earth Constitution is an excellent model for a democratic world federal government. It is the opposite of an oligarchic New World Order. Recently a popular article entitled "Klaus Schwab's Puppets: 'Young Global Leaders' Revealed" has been posted on several websites, and it puts the Earth Constitution and The Great Transition Initiative in the same boat with Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. This may not be fair.
In this popular article by Jacob Nordangard, the "Young Global Leaders" program of the World Economic Forum is rightfully shown to be a menace to the world that it is. But after that, the article goes on to imply that The Great Transition Initiative and the Earth Constitution are as equally threatening to the future of humanity as the World Economic Forum is. Jacob Nordangard's article is otherwise excellent in the graphic way it exposes the "Young Global Leaders" of the World Economic Forum--revealing popular names such as Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in the U.S., and Macron in France. But the article may not be fair to treat these 3 groups as equally pernicious.
In this article I hope readers will get a better understanding of the Earth Constitution and see that it is an amazing document that can save the nations of the world from the destructive path they are taking. I also recommend ways to make the international Earth Constitution even better by showing how to maximize democracy in the national governments of the world and in their mainstream media.
Dr. Glen T. Martin is the executive director and president of the World Constitution and Parliament Association, which is the organization that created the Earth Constitution. Jacob Nordangard's article, in a section linked to footnote reference no. 5, quotes two sentences from Dr. Glen T. Martin's article entitled "The Great Transition Requires the Earth Constitution." But instead of just reading 2 sentences, readers are encouraged to read Glen T. Martin's full article, and then they will get a better understanding of the Earth Constitution. Readers can also study the website of the Earth Constitution and read Glen T. Martin's other articles and books if they want to learn more about it.
To give the Earth Constitution a fair hearing, I want to share this interview of Dr. Glen T. Martin I found on the internet in which he talks about his latest book The Earth Constitution Solution. The introductory summary of the podcast states that the book "exposes the fundamental flaws and corruption of the New World Order and Great Reset proposed by the World Economic Forum."
The world actually needs a truly democratic world federal government created by the citizens of the world. It would be the opposite of a technocratic and authoritarian New World Order created by global oligarchs such as Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
It will be a wonderful new day if the Earth Constitution can be implemented, but I will show in the next paragraph how we can make the Earth Constitution even better by explaining how to establish genuine democracy in each nation in addition to adopting the Earth Constitution. Democracy is something we really do not have in the United States and in other countries because elected representatives represent the wealthiest corporate donors who give them the most money to get elected and stay in office as long as they do the bidding of the corporate elitists.
On a national level--in order to maximize democracy and level the playing field--we can promote the equal empowerment of the 7 largest political parties in every nation and allow them to have a proportionate control of each nation's federal legislature (and possibly of the executive and judicial branches of government as well). Moreover, the mainstream media of each nation (instead of being corporate owned) could be publicly owned and proportionately controlled by the 7 largest national political parties. Also, we must take the influence of money out of politics completely. These measures may seem difficult to achieve, but if enough citizens of the world unite together and specifically demand them, they can be accomplished.
A publicly-owned mainstream media should also give a voice to the major spiritual beliefs of the world such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Secular Humanism, the Mysticism of the Perennial Philosophy, and others. The vast diversity of these different paths will prevent them from ever being combined into a one-world religion. However, it could be argued that they each value unselfish, sacrificial love, kindness, and compassion as a lifestyle.
The global legislative body in the World Parliament of the Earth Constitution is composed of three Houses: A House of Peoples with 1000 electoral districts representing people of each geographical region of the world. A House of Nations would represent one, two, or three delegates from each of the world's nation-states, based on population. A House of Counselors would be composed of 200 scholars and experts elected from around the world, representing humanity as a whole and its greatest thought-leaders.
The framework of the Earth Constitution would allow different viewpoints to be expressed in a democratic way. For example, those who deny climate change science could have a voice equal to those who support the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth (The People's Agreement of Cochabamba). Likewise, those who support the Canadian Truckers' Convoy and who oppose mandatory vaccines could also have a voice to counter the official narrative.
At the end of Jacob Nordangard's popular article, there is a sentence that reads "Thanks to investigative journalist Cory Morningstar for the clip that inspired this blog article. Follow her blog Wrong Kind of Green." Cory Morningstar's website in the About Us section states, "We stand united behind 'The People's Agreement' agreed upon in Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 2010." Cory Morningstar supports the Canadian Truckers' Convoy in this video.
A democratic government and mainstream media would allow a broad spectrum of viewpoints to be heard, which is the opposite of the increasing censorship that we now have. Imagine a mainstream media without paid commercial advertisements. Imagine how much better informed we would be if we could watch the mainstream media news and find out how the 7 largest national political parties agree and disagree on all the important issues of our day. If we can create democratic governments with democratic mainstream media in each nation, we can make the Earth Constitution all the more effective.
In a recent longer article entitled "The Resistance Movement Must Provide Solutions to Remake the World," I make recommendations that countries can adopt at their national, state, and local levels. That article does not focus on international relationships, which is what the Earth Constitution does. For example, my libertarian position on the education of children provides maximum educational choice to parents.
To my knowledge the Earth Constitution and Glen T. Martin's writings do not encourage transhumanism and technocracy, and they do not say anything about a globalized world managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments, and civil society organizations that Klaus Schwab talks about in his writings. Thus, there is no similarity between the Earth Constitution and the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. The World Economic Forum is not a constitution; the Earth Constitution is.
The Earth Constitution Institute (ECI) envisions a federated government for all the nations and people of Earth. This model is more robust and comprehensive than treaty-based institutions such as the United Nations, which is not democratic and lacks necessary enforcement powers. Like any well-designed and legitimate government, the Earth Constitution must achieve popular support. The document's guiding principles include: separation of powers, representative democracy, the rule of law, and a guarantee of universal human rights and freedoms. Our model was carefully developed and refined over a period of decades by experts in political science, constitutional law, international relations, administrative and judicial theories, and other relevant fields.
Jacob Nordangard's popular article mentions that The Great Transition organization was initiated with start-up capital by Steven Rockefeller. If that is true, it seemingly could be a red flag. I had not heard of The Great Transition Initiative until I read Jacob Nordangard's popular article. I skimmed through a few articles at the Great Transition website. The articles seem like dry white papers but are written by individuals with impressive credentials, including Brian Tokar, whom I remember was very popular when the Green movement got started in the United States about 35 years ago. One of Brian Tokar's articles at the Great Transition website can be read here. I still resonate with the Ten Key Values of the Green Party, but reading articles such as those found at Wrong Kind of Green . org has helped me understand how global capitalists are influencing the Green Movement to further their profits.
To learn more about the Great Transition . org website, I entered the term "transhumanism" in its "Search this site" window and found this short article that appears to be critical of transhumanism. I also did a search of "digital currency" and "Paul Raskin" that were mentioned in Jacob Nordangard's article but did not find anything alarming. Moreover, I examined the webpages of all the article footnotes but did not find any of them disturbing, except for the references to the World Economic Forum. Though the term "The Great Transition" sounds like the "Great Reset" of the World Economic Forum, that does not mean that they are synonymous.
The famous 1972 Club of Rome book by Aurelio Peccei called Limits to Growth was mentioned in Jacob Nordangard's popular article in a negative way. That original controversial book has been demonized by some individuals for its dire warnings about global problems and its proposed solutions. I can remember feeling inspired by that book many years ago. With all books, authors of books, and organizations, we have to examine them critically with discernment: Some of their ideas may be good and others not so good.
Some say that capitalism or libertarianism can save the nations of the world; others argue for democratic socialism. What we have to do is to truly level the playing field by equally empowering the 7 largest political parties of each nation and giving them proportionate control of the federal legislature and mainstream media; we need to take the influence of money out of politics completely; also, we need to adopt the Earth Constitution. If we can do all of these things, we are more likely to attain wiser solutions to national and international problems.
Since the Earth Constitution has been democratically created, then I would recommend that it can be democratically abolished if the 1000 representatives in the House of Peoples--representing electoral districts of each geographical region of the world--vote with a 51 percent majority to return to the supreme sovereignty of nation-states once again. God forbid that that should happen. Or the House of Peoples could vote to have a constitutional convention to create a new democratic world federal government.
In a previous article entitled "The Framers of the US Constitution Never Told How to Properly Abolish It," I share an amendment proposal for a new Article V for the current US Constitution, which if passed would show a very orderly 8-month procedure for having a constitutional convention to create a new US Constitution, if citizens vote in favor of it in a referendum vote. I also wrote my own constitution called the "Third Constitution of the United States," and in that constitution, included in this article, I show at the end how it can be properly abolished to create the "Fourth Constitution of the United States." Thomas Jefferson argued that we should have a new constitution with every new generation.
Militarized nation-states competing with one another for hegemony will eventually lead to the destruction of the world as we now know it. The current conflict among Russia, Ukraine, the United States, and NATO is the latest reminder of this. Watching the one-sided, mainstream news about this ongoing conflict should remind us all that the first casualty of war is the truth.
In the human body, the organs and tissues do not compete; they cooperate in a state of equilibrium. We should think of the world and the earth the same way. We are one world, one earth, one humanity. See Vandana Shiva's book: Oneness vs the 1% .
How would a new global system of power such as the Earth Constitution escape the fate of being kidnapped by the same interests that created our own corrupt and failing system? The Earth Constitution will implement enforceable world law that is created through a democratic process. It is the only thing that will save us.
If the Earth Constitution is adopted, it will eliminate the astronomical military spending of nations and accomplish many other things. If we also establish true democracy in national governments and their mainstream media, the healing of the planet and the individuals who live on it can begin. If enough people unite together and specifically demand these measures, they can be achieved. The Earth Constitution is not a utopia, but it can make the world a much better place.
Roger Copple was a high school special education teacher of Algebra and English and also a general education 3rd-grade teacher. He retired in 2010 at age 60. Roger is a vegan for ethical, ecological, and health reasons. His website World Without Empire . com contains articles he has written about spiritual politics. The website also shares links to information about yoga philosophy, mindfulness meditation, Near-Death Experiences, and the four stages on the path to Buddhist nirvana.
(Article changed on Mar 07, 2022 at 10:07 PM EST)