During the Campaign for President, Donald Trump made a number of promises. The ones he emphasized most prominently were apparently "red meat" for his base. Remember, "I'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it." and "I will issue a Muslim ban." and on and on it went. Now, as President, Trump places great value on keeping his promises -- even to the point of shutting down the government of the United States if Congress doesn't fund "the wall."
In view of Trump's irrational desire to fulfill his promises at any cost. In an effort to satisfy his base, Trump has an irrational desire to fulfill his promises at any cost. However, Trump's inability to keep his "promises" has grave significance for the country.
Trump promised "Jobs, jobs, jobs." I will "create thousands of new jobs..." He takes great pride in his own assessment as a job creator. However, six months into his position,Trump has failed to fill, or even nominate individuals to the approximately 400 jobs for which he is directly responsible. This failure has resulted in even more jobs in government being vacant. As a result of gross understaffing, the smooth wheels of the federal government are grinding exceedingly slow and thereby impeding and crippling many key functions of the Nation. Thus, given the opportunity to independently fulfill his jobs promise within his own circle, Trump comes up short.
Trump, trumpeted "I am the law and order candidate... My administration is determined...to restore law and order and justice for all Americans..." Dan Rather wrote this stinging response to the President's recent action, "The decision...to pardon former Sheriff Arpaio is a perversion of justice and demeans the prerogatives of the presidency." By granting this pardon prior to sentencing, prior to exercise of the Sheriff's right to appeal, prior to asking for and receiving a recommendation from the Justice Department, Trump has essentially "thumbed his nose" at the rule of law. This is not the first time he has engaged in such behavior. Based on racial grounds, Trump has said he does not trust a Federal judge to be impartial; after receiving and adverse ruling, Trump severely criticized the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals as unfair; on numerous occasions, Trump has attempted to influence Federal Officials to drop investigations and/criminal criminal charges involving his personal friends. All these actions undermine the rule of law and the administration of justice.
Make no mistake, Joe Arpaio is a convicted criminal who, as an administrator of the law, chose to break the law. The signal has been sent: If you are a friend, relative, employee of Trump, you are likely to be pardoned for your criminal behavior. This comes close to destroying our system of law and justice.
The inevitable conclusion from these broken promises -- his assertion that, "I will be president for all people." -- is that the President is a hypocrite, not to be trusted, a person who acts primarily out of self interest. The Nation cannot long endure this type of behavior without a total corruption of its values.