"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the
issue of currency, first by inflation [bubbles], then by deflation [recession
or depression], the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive
the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the
continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson
You are experiencing severe abdominal pains so you
visit with your doctor. Your doctor does a perfunctory examination and
announces that he will write you a prescription for a pain killer. Of course you quickly recognize that the
doctor is treating the symptom of your problem, but not the problem itself. So
you visit a specialist who happened to fall asleep during the abdominal portion
of his medical preparation. His uninformed diagnosis of your problem is acid
indigestion and you are prescribed antacids. Unfortunately his misdiagnosis
causes your pains to continue. With the underlying disease untreated, you
ultimately end up in a hospital where you are diagnosed with abdominal cancer.
In the above scenario, the following things have
- the first
doctor treated the SYMPTOMS of your
problem which did not nothing to treat the DISEASE that was causing the
symptoms, and over time would only make the SYMPTOMS become worse.
- The second specialist
doctor misdiagnosed the DISEASE, so his treatment would also not address the
problem and over time would cause the SYMPTOMS to worsen.
- The hospital
finally correctly diagnosed the DISEASE and therefore the prescribed
treatments now have a chance at addressing the problem where the first 2
treatments would have failed.
We have a very similar situation existing in the
economy right now. In place of the first doctor, we have our economically
illiterate politicians who are looking at the SYMPTOMS of our problems such as
unemployment, budget deficits, foreclosures, bank fraud, poverty, inflation, erosion
of the middle class, to name just a few. They are trying to treat these
SYMPTOMS, however this does nothing to
treat the DISEASE that is causing these SYMPTOMS. The financial class is also the
largest donator to political campaigns. So the politicians find themselves in
the position where it is to their advantage to intentionally remain ignorant of
the DISEASE so they can maintain their power and positions of influence.
Then we have
the specialist economists "advising" our economically illiterate politicians on
what to do, but they are also lacking what they need to correctly diagnose the
DISEASE. The central banks have sponsored academic research at the major
schools. However this sponsorship directly and indirectly influences
the research , which ends up tending to support the existing money system. Those
who develop conclusions that are not in the interests of the central bankers
soon find themselves without jobs or further funding for their research. This
leaves the economics students who are our future economic specialists with a
view of banking that favors the entrenched banking interests. With their lack of education on alternative
monetary systems, it is not surprising that they misdiagnose the DISEASE due to
their bias towards our current " debt
based " money system. The end result is that both the economists and the
politicians are nothing more than the hired servants of the financial class. It
is in their individual interest to perpetuate the illusion that our current
monetary system is the only "free and efficient" way to bring money into
circulation. Listen closely to these economists during their interviews and
notice how all of their "solutions" center around the SYMPTOMS while never mentioning
"debt based" DISEASE itself.
Add to this mix a general public that is chained to
this debt slavery, working more and more hours and finding it increasingly harder
to maintain their families. After exhaustive toiling they seek relief and
diversion in the form of mind numbing gladiator football games, celebrity
worship, reality TV, or other minutia, rather than taking the time to educate
themselves on complex issues. This disinterest or lack of understanding creates
an environment where it becomes easy for the financiers to continue a system
that benefits them personally at the expense of everyone else. No one is watching the store and the till is open.
recently attended the Public Banking Conference in Philadelphia where a 12 year old girl blew the
crowd away with her understanding of our corrupt money system. If a 12 year can
"get it", then it is time for our leaders and the general public to "get it" as
well. During this conference the following question was asked by another
speaker, "How can a nation and its people become $trillions in debt when most
of what they have done over the last 250 years is to produce wealth through their
labor?" This profound question inspired me to do some serious thinking about where
this debt actually originates.
Consider these questions: If you owned a printing
press in your basement and could LEGALLY print your own money"
- would you choose to pay your bills by
printing the money you needed?
- would you choose
to pay your bills by going to the bankers for a loan?
Of course you would print your own money. Our
government is in exactly this same position. It can legally print its own money
as stipulated by the Constitution, and yet we have the spectacle of our the government going to private bankers to borrow money to
pay its bills, rather printing its own debt free money. Most people are not
aware of this fact, and that is by design.
Can you imagine yourself printing your money, then
selling these same bills for the cost of printing to a private bank? Can you
imagine yourself then going back to the bank and borrowing that same money at face value plus interest?
That is the unbelievable and absurd situation we
currently have. The Treasury Department prints our paper dollars at a cost of
approximately 4 cents per bill. The cost of printing each bill remains the same
regardless of whether the denomination is $1, $10, or $100. These newly printed
bills are then sold to a cartel of private bankers called the "Federal Reserve"
for the cost of the printing. The government [taxpayers] then borrows this
money back at face value plus interest.
The name "Federal Reserve" was deliberate in its
attempt to deceive the people. It is a cartel of PRIVATE bankers, it has no
reserves, and it is no more federal than Federal Express. In fact, the federal
income tax was started in order to pay the interest on our "debt based" money
there are 3 ways that money can be placed into circulation: it can be GIFTED,
it can be SPENT, or it can be BORROWED.
If the government were to simply give people printed
money, it would be GIFTED into circulation. Since this "free money" provides no
incentive to produce anything , there is no increase in production. The money
supply increases, but not the number of produced goods or services, which
ultimately results in inflation.
If the money is SPENT into circulation, it is used
to pay for a goods or service that have been produced. The creation of these
goods or services represents the creation of wealth. Therefore this created
money is a payment for wealth that has been produced. This also increases the
money supply, but since a matching amount goods or services were also created,
this does not result in inflation. This
money is then "wealth based" making it is a representation of wealth that has
been created and therefore has no debt
or interest burden associated with it.
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