If the title of this article seems to you to be a little exaggerated, think again. It's hard to find more than a handful of Republicans these days who don't consider the Democrats' true agenda an ultimate pathway to socialism and anarchy. The religious right looks back at a time that never existed, that is, some sort of moral religious epoch, replete with God in His Heaven, peace on earth, led by ethical church fathers and benign business leaders. The "Great Epoch," of course, lasted only a few years between World War II and the Korean War, carrying over, to a lesser degree, into the 1950's. In shock from the horrors of religious and social persecution and murder of millions of innocent Eastern Europeans and Asians, the Western countries' heretofore imperialist governments deigned to actually publicly consider that people of various races, religions, nationalities and genders might all have the right to be treated, if not equally, at least with a modicum of respect!
This unique concept, dating back to the time of Jesus' original sayings, ironically, had rarely, if ever, been tested by the leaders of the religions which had usurped his name, all the while ignoring his most important messages. Even in the United States, despite valiant efforts by our imperfect but optimistic founding fathers, discrimination against Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, non-Christians and women of all races persists to this day as does the deliberate shunning of the actual "Christian" duty to support "the poor." Indeed, the current pseudo Christian Right's tax plan, in supporting increased taxes for the poor as well as low and middle class taxpayers, while saving the very wealthiest literally trillions in permanent tax cuts is not only unfair, but unsustainable.
The last tax fiasco, George W. Bush's massive tax cuts and carpetbagger incursion into Iraq cost us millions of homes, jobs, raped and pillaged the Social Security Trust Fund to the tune of almost two trillion dollars, leaving a few worthless IOU's in place of the surplus left in the fund by the previous administration. Meanwhile, one by one the empty promises of the current Republican House and Senate are being exposed to the public for what they are a truly massive redistribution of wealth to filthy rich corporations who are already wealthier than they have ever been, even wealthier than the nefarious robber barons of the 19th and early 20th centuries! Obviously, the miscreants don't need more money, these American Oligarchs controlling far more than half the world's wealth already. What they are after is "power," "control," and the obvious return to a feudal society. Their pseudo Christian veneer needs to be peeled off, layer by layer until the current Republican administration is exposed for what it is really trying to do. Between the dangerous and deranged beast in the White House and the corporate lackeys running the House and Senate under threat by their masters to withhold political donations, the once proud Republican Party is gradually transforming itself into "The Banana Republican Party."
As repeated time and again by Fareed Zakaria, Robert Reich, and countless others, the handwriting is on the wall. First muzzle the free press, take control of the courts, arrest and prosecute your political rivals, militarize your cabinet, fill key positions with unqualified corporate cronies and manipulate the vote with a phony election committee comprised of the sleaziest members of the corporate swamp. Give away our national parks to corporate interests; proudly reverse any regulations restricting corporations from polluting air water or soil even if it results in more dead children. Even give in to the craven interests of rich depraved hunters like your sons so they can murder elephants and hasten the animal's extinction. As the pseudo Christian Right looks on and worries about abortion in the first trimester, gay marriage, transgenders in the military, and how to keep their favorite candidates from ending up in the bowels of hell, what will "Democratic Socialists" do? Will they be baited into arguing the same nonsense and waste political capital campaigning for free college for partying college students instead of affordable loans, "Medicare for all" without bothering to fumigate the program, late term abortions because of a" bad hair day" instead of for legitimate reasons? Or, will they start putting ads on television now , exposing the hubris of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and now Orrin Hatch revealing a "Banana Republican Party" totally in the pocket of their corporate donors, blatantly stealing from the less affluent to further fill the greedy pockets of the new breed of robber barons?
It's time for the slumbering Democratic National committee to arouse itself from its state of Hillary and Bernie induced suspended animation and start attacking the real monsters in our society. When inveterate liars, Donald trump and Mike Pence are finally outed, it is Paul Ryan who may find himself as the leader of the (once) free world. Do you want to wait that long to find out if he is simply the economic and cowardly fool he appears to be or if he is as craven and uncaring as the majority of his "Banana Republican" colleagues?