Yes, strengths and weaknesses abound over the gamut of our flip-flopping politics - both good and bad reaching across the aisle -- violence & hypocrisy, risks & failures Left, Right and Center. However, those who believe in whitewashed history books dearth of truth, are as godless as they claim to be Godly -- wrapped in the flagstone of myth.
More fragmentized than American mosaic, our extreme political and social bookends have become this Democratic Republic's albatross, bending its back on the backs of forgotten or ignored history -- The Right has become extremely wrong.
Now our Ship of State seems mired in the muck of military rape, corporate owned media, religious hypocrisy and racists' hate, anchoring The Land of the Free in the port of revisionist history, walled in by vain glory of trumped up greatness, crying out like a voice in the wilderness for the young to save the old from the rigidity of past sins against charity begins with love thy neighbor as thyself.
Independence & Independents, Liberals & Moderates, advocates and activists, undecided Baby-Boomers and sulking Millennials -- there is no longer a fork in the road -- there is only forward to progressive renewal or back the way we came. Although, getting centered is a goal worthy of the common good, there is no more in-between.
In 2016, being deplorable both comes from and raises fears that America's heart has beat too hard for too long.
The new reality: with an open mind, it's easier to see our leaders of industry & unions, private enterprise and all levels of government are merely the boat -- and when we vote against repeating the gender bias and racial discrimination of our past, We The People are the power of the wind -- and the ocean on which all sail.
Regardless of national heritage, political hope, gender claim, income race for equality, whether LBGTQ or not, if we desert the system, and Democrats, this will become ensconced as authentic American: belittling the disabled, faith in bigotry, hate transparency and permanent second-class citizenship for people of color, girls and women -- echoing the blatant hypocrisy of the Voting Rights gutting Chief Roberts decrying, Brown vs. Board of Education at the opening of the Smithsonian's new African-American museum.
Our trumped nation will resound in main-stream ensemble: It is for us The Right People, tea stained or red tied, to lead us not into the temptation of loving our neighbor as ourselves, but rather deliver us from the evil of Black Lives Matter, as we, the too conservative to see forward, Free Will ourselves to the promised land of blessed assurances that white might is our right. Praise the Lord, pass the trumpet that finally silences, Lift every Voice and Sing, so we are washed whiter than snow, free from the blood of any color.
Whether dreaming forward or looping our rear-view mirror, what we do between day-break and dusk is the only difference we make.
There are millions of Americans of every political, racial, sexual and spiritual hue, wealthy and not, who are decent, loving and giving human beings, but unlike Henrietta Lacks, Sarah Gray, Sam Cooke and Sons of Bill -- Donald Trump, and the GOP that Birthered him, are not among them.
Still our civility and national unity saves us from a trumped fate.