oligarchy is an authoritarian form of government. Democratic principles and the
rights of individuals as articulated in the Bill of Rights cannot endure under
that system. No government has ever survived when it acted without the consent of
the governed. It resulted in revolution. always has. always will. As I write
this there are revolutions under way in Honduras,
Catalonia, Yemen,
Libya and Venezuela.
Protests fill the streets in every city in France
and many in Germany
. The people have had enough.
a single person to control a billion dollars requires that a billion humans
starve to death. That is the equation. American billionaires instruct their
lackeys in Congress to cut their taxes - or else. And the corrupt, bribed
lackeys do it. And steal the funds to
pay for it from the poor and the aged. England is now capitalist - but it
still has a huge estate tax. And that tax ensures that the people do not starve, and that power - which after all is a function of money - remains with
the people.
Republican tax bill is the death knell of the United States government. It is
only a question of time before peaceful
protests and carefully written opeds are supplanted by a much more violent
response. It was ever so. The oligarchs may retreat to the Caymans or New Zealand or
wherever they have set up their safe houses. But that system will be toppled.
They have gone too far. They just don't know it yet.
(Article changed on December 3, 2017 at 20:43)
(Article changed on December 3, 2017 at 20:59)
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