The destruction of the sleeping .awake..
(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org), Author: Author Not Given) Details Source DMCA
Please note the qualifiers/caveats:
"...a conditional license, first-ever vaccine for bees, they hope will be effective against a highly destructive spore-transmitted bacterial infection."
"Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees," Dalan CEO Dr. Annette Kleiser said in a statement, suggesting it might "change how we care for insects, impacting food production on a global scale."
...impacting food production globally...yea.
While the USDA may approve such a reckless experiment that could affect pollinators and non-pollinators alike, hopefully it will be up to US counties, 3,142 of them, to approve the release of such genetic poison. Given the psyopic tribalism at play, counties are unlikely to put up a coordinated effort to stop such an experiment. In typical fashion it is clear that the "government" is not of, by and for the people; rather it has been bought by the occultist corporations. Who believes that such research will be not acquired by TPTSNB to be deployed worldwide?
Remember the Crispr errors in an experiment to create hornless cows? Click Here - MIT Technology Review, August 29, 2019, Antonio Regalado.
In a rarity the FDA did not approve the offspring that contained offsite Crispr errors thereby creating GMO hornless cows with an antibiotic resistance. The company followed up with a request to the FDA to be allowed to use the Crispr-mistake cows as hamburger in order to recover their cost! What was it about antibacterial resistance did they not understand? This is the mind set of the Mad.
Here is how the UK Daily Mail described the god-like power of Crispr, Genetically-modified cows without horns are created to make the countryside safer. "The system allows the 'cut and paste' manipulation of strands of DNA with a precision not seen before."
Hmmm. Where else have we seen the use of computer-aided cut-and-paste of artificial DNA strands into a virus protein?
Indeed, this is typical of the sort of misinformation transmitted from on high from one of the world's diligent and usual MSM suspects.
If you care about the truth of the scope of such shenanigans, you are going to have do spend time doing your own research. Who has the time? To not take the time is to remain willfully ignorant. To remain willfully ignorant is to not Care. The Mad? They certainly care and are diligently expanding their spell while they taunt us with limited-hangout information of their plans.
Could not the USDA have required the company, Dalan, to inform us about how the dosage for the bee was determined? How can they be sure that the bee won't drift to another geography, especially if the experiment goes awry? Is there an antidote if the experiment goes wrong? Will the antidote "drift" to all of the other environments to which the vaccinated bee have gone? What is the worst-case scenario for the potential downside on global food production?
Problem? Nah. Carry on.