Joe Biden begins the exhaustive process of becoming Bernie Sanders, for the sake of gaining the support of a
wide swath of true progressives.
His staff says that he was going there, anyway.
The DNC's broken record of scratching their heads and wondering why their plan keeps
going off the rails is tiresome and exasperating for true Democrats. Each
election, they make it, abundantly, clear that they really are the new(er)
Republicans: post-Eisenhower Republicans. How much of a difference is that? I
would have voted for Eisenhower.
I don't think the DNC expected the need for Biden to morph into Bernie, because
they never think they need to care about actual democracy. And then they fail to understand the rage
that follows. They think that throwing money at the problem
will keep taking care of it. No, ultimately, enough rage will take care of it.
Joe Biden is in an interesting position, in that, nearing the end of his political career, he has to change--dramatically--to achieve his next (career) goal. And, to survive, the DNC must do the same. The DNC's oxygen is, now, in the hands of the guy they keep pushing away with brute force. The DNC keeps pushing away, with brute force, the true nature of its name.
If Biden succeeds in this dramatic turn-about, will the DNC find a way to, quickly, replace him, regardless of his mental capacity? Of course, they will use the latter as the excuse, and for good reason, in all honesty. But the replacement candidate is going to have to, literally, be Bernie... or his identical twin. Bernie suspended his campaign, but I think it would be wise for him to, strongly, consider who his female running mate will be.