(Article changed on February 25, 2014 at 01:21)
The Cosmic Story: Pisces New Moon
We've come to the end of the astrological year, diving into the deep ocean of Pisces from the starry heights of Aquarius. The ocean is the womb where life first arose on our beautiful planet Earth. The ocean also symbolizes the collective unconscious, the womb of our spiritual heritage and past life karma as well as the collective database of all experience and wisdom of life here on Earth. As we approach the end of the Age of Pisces, our task is to learn to use the powers of life and death with wisdom, love and joy. Our test will be to see through the illusion that separateness, greed and violence are the proper way to run the world.
The waters of Pisces symbolize the fluid, enchanted, illusionary realm of the Imagination, the source of Spirit within us. It is this Spirit who told Jesus of Nazareth that he was the Son of God and it is the voice within each of us that whispers that we too are daughters and sons of Great Spirit. This is the real initiation we all have to undergo at the end of the Age of Pisces--to step into our spiritual heritage and become Embodied Spirit through the marriage of Christ -consciousness and Wisdom, the Logos and the Sophia.
When we enter Pisces' domain, the Cosmic Story tells us to let go of society's rules and the Ego's needs (not my will but Thine) and go back to the Source. The Story of Life says, "Here at the end, allow the chaos of endings and beginnings into your awareness. Let go of past behaviors, ideas, beliefs and wounds as well as future expectations that no longer serve your soul's needs. Let Spirit guide you to the eddy in the river of life you need to be at when the fire of Aries rises at the Spring Equinox.'
In many ways, this is the hardest thing to do in our patriarchal society, which distrusts this letting-go, this dissolution into the unconscious unity that is the challenge and gift of planet Earth to humans. Pisces isn't about the death of the body; rather it is about the death of the illusion we are all separate, that our individual ego is the highest form of consciousness and that matter and spirit are at odds with each other. At its best, this is the point in the year where we connect to the World Soul and recharge ourselves before Aries' fire stimulates the new growth within us to emerge into the world.
One reason
we are so wary of this watery realm is patriarchy's unbalanced reliance on left
brain rationality to understand how things work rather than seeking to
understand why things are. The right
brain is our channel to the Creative Imagination, the interface between the
material world and the hidden realms, the many dimensions of reality that
physicists know are cradled in and around the material world.
The best ways to access the collective unconscious are through dreams, stories, the arts, meditation and inner journeying--all right brain activities. But we then have to bring our discoveries back to our left brain intellect and decide what we want to do about it. Since the zodiac mirrors the essential elements of life, we need to integrate this part of ourselves back into our daily routines. We need downtime for our inner check-ins to keep us centered, self-aware and capable of exercising our free will. This is vital for us now. As the world continues to undergo disruptions which will ultimately force us to make changes, we need people who are capable of leadership, healing and innovation.
I believe we need to go back and listen to our cultural creation stories since we are in the midst of creating a new paradigm of life. If we listen deeply and let those creation tales into our psyche, they will work in us to shape our energies toward the future we're hoping to build. They will take us back to the archetype behind creation itself and re-energize a new story for humanity. So let's look at an important Piscean creation story; important because it tells us what our gift and goal is.
The Greek creation story tells a tale of Gaia, the Earth, who mated with Ouranos, the Sky; in this tale, we are given the secret of the union of Heaven and Earth. It is the mystery of life we humans have to experience, learn from and share. When we learn to live in this mystery, we will reclaim the power to bring Heaven to Earth.
--first there was Chaos, and then appeared broad-bosomed Earth, who bore, first of all and as her equal, the starry Sky, Ouranos. Then she bore the great mountains, valleys, plains and the Sea, and after that she mated with Ouranos and bore many children. " although Ouranos came every night to mate with Gaia"he hated the children whom Gaia bore him. As soon as they were born, he hid them and would not let them come out into the light. " So Gaia took council with her sons and daughters"and only Kronos/Saturn took courage and agreed to act on her behalf.
" And when Ouranos came at nightfall, inflamed with love and covering all the Earth, his son Kronos"cut off his father's manhood and cast it behind him back into the sea. "
"The Father's genitals fell into the sea, and it mixed with the foam and gave birth to Aphrodite. Since that time, the Sky has no longer approached the Earth for nightly mating." (Hesiod, Theogony)
Aphrodite/Venus is the key to Earth's future. Goddess of Love, Sexuality, Wisdom, Beauty and Divine Union, Aphrodite is perhaps the best-known goddess of antiquity but also the least understood. She represents the female human being as well as the depths of Love, Beauty and Wisdom which have been ignored and made irrelevant in patriarchy, except as an adornment to its agendas.
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