"So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
You know the one, Dr. Everything'll-Be-Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby"
Prince:Let's Go Crazy
This week's Gemini New Moon will be the first New Moon since February, 2015 to be followed by its' opposite Full Moon. Back in February 2015, there was a second New Moon at 29* Aquarius, which reversed the cycle. A second Full Moon in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius will take place on June 20 , 2016 , hours before the Summer Solstice. This will bring the cycle back to its basic pattern of New and Full Moons in compatible signs, so we might begin to see our Full Moon insights more easily integrated.
Gemini takes us into the field of the human Mind, which can be banal and brutish or inspired and intuitive. The Gemini Twins speak to this differentiated Mind: one twin is human and the other is divine. Did the ancient astrologers know about our left and right brains? Living in a left brain, rational world, it is important to learn how to incorporate the insights and intuitions of our imaginative right brain if we're really going to change our lives and our world. The divine and human twin stay connected and often become interchangeable.
With this New Moon, the heavens are telling us to change our Mind . To use our minds differently. To step out of our usual perceptions about people and situations and open up to new perspectives. It's a call to imagine a new way to live and then figure out how to do it. We do this by listening to our right brain imagination through our dreams, intuitions and visions, and then using our left brain rational mind to 'make it so' as Captain Jean-Luc Picard would say. It's time to learn the most balanced way to integrate and use our whole brain.
TIME . Time is a mental construct. W e are taught that TIME moves forward and is meant to be kept--like a clock to keep us 'on time' for our appointments. What are we missing by only living according to one clock, one view of time? There are many different cycles in Nature but western culture is aligned to a 12 month solar calendar, while some Muslim countries still operate under the ancient, 13 month lunar calender.
Our left and right brains experience time differently. Our rational, left brain deals with the everyday straightforward time. Our imaginative right brain deals with quantum time or timelessness. Ancient cultures had different conceptions of time, one of which was Mythic Time. We step into mythic time when we understand the importance of the times we live in, when we give our times deep meaning. We need to develop our whole brain to really get it.
We are living in a time of Revolution and Evolution, a mythic time. We have to take climate change seriously, because while Mother Earth will continue into the future, humanity's future isn't as certain. In my childhood, we worried about nuclear war. Now, it's becoming clear that our immediate responsibility is to ensure that our children's children will survive and prosper on a healthy Earth. We have sadly abdicated our duty to be good stewards of the Earth. Now we have to look at ourselves and see if we are strong enough and brave enough to find a different way to live on our beautiful and fragile planet. For the sake of the future.
That takes changing the way we see our lives and what kind of culture we want to live in. That means deciding if our capitalist New World Order is good for us and the Earth, or if we need to bend our energies to different occupations and needs. We do need to choose. That's the promise of democracy and freedom. We each have to do the heavy lifting. When I realize how 'entitled' I am just by living in America, I have to ask myself, 'at what cost' to the planet and the rest of the world? I want to find a better way to live then the consumerism I was brought up with.
We have a lot of things to think about this year as we watch the wild political and corporate maneuvering around the world, as well as the political activism of regular people everywhere. This is the promise and the hope of the intense Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries challenging energies of 2012-2015. The hope that people everywhere would rise up and take up their freedom as we really see the corruption in our political systems and the urgent needs of people and the Earth. This is why we can call these years Mythic Times , because these are the years that will make all the difference for the future. These are the years where we have to make wise choices. Or these will be the years our grandchildren curse us for.
Gemini New Moon, June4-5, 2016
This Gemini New Moon is focused on the Mind. How we think, how we communicate, how we do business, how we connect to our community, how we learn and seek knowledge to base our choices on. Gemini and its ruler, Mercury, want to experience the full spectrum of life, although sometimes without the depth to give it meaning. But this Gemini New Moon connects to some heavy duty energies bringing in the vision and hope of a new, deeper belief. So use this very special time to plant those seeds of spiritual vision in the Mind of humanity, person by person.
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