After our Leo Full Moon, which I hope you celebrated with creativity and fun (and snow for some of us!), this Aquarius New Moon re-births our new Collective Story of the possible future. Instead of dwelling (usually in fear and drama) on the death of our cultural identities and institutions, why not celebrate the possible futures we can create. You can see it happening in the social justice, environmental, civil rights etc. movements. People know the old story is corrupt and dead. We need a new collective story that isn't about doom and gloom. But first we change our personal stories.
It's a perfect time to do it. We are still in the gateway of Imbolc, the cross-quarter holiday in the wheel of the year. Imbolc (later called Candlemas by the Catholic Church) celebrates a sure sense of the light returning from winter's depths. The awakening of Earth's life-force--called Persephone in old myths--is now celebrated in the United States as Ground Hog's Day, when we observe an animal's response to the light and the weather and take that as a sign that Spring is on its way. Our instincts tells us what the psychic and literal weather is going to be. Let's listen more and argue less with them.
It is not a time to engage in intense activity, but rather a time to meditate and listen within, a time to finally envision what this new year will bring. What would you like the world to be like in the future? In a few months? In the year? What can you do now that can help bring it about?
Take some Imagination Days so you can connect to the voice of your soul to find out.
Our deepest Self is expressed through our creative imagination, so listen carefully because we've forgotten its language. We don't even realize how much we over-use our left brain rationality. Narrow and focused or scattered trying to think of everything at once, but constantly turned on. Then when we finally turn it off, we feed our right brain TV and the Internet--like sugar, fun but not great for your right brain, which soaks up all that junk. We barely allow time for our right-brain imagination to play with the issues in our lives. But without this grounding in the imagination, nothing new can really grow.
The gift and awareness of this past Leo/Aquarius Full Moon is to awaken our ability to loosen up and play until our imagination comes online. We need to relax and loosen up both our bodies and our minds, so that our play is true. Then when the imagination is fully engaged, that's the time to envision the future. Once you see your new life, you'll begin to see how you can affect the world around you.
Each of us has come into this world with a purpose. Like Christ and Buddha and all spiritual masters, we are called to bring forth who we really are--spiritual beings having a human experience--and the gifts each and every soul has to offer the world. We need to redeem ourselves by bringing our gifts to the Global table.
Aquarius New Moon February 8, 2016
As one world dies, another is born. As one Age of the world passes away, a new Age is being born in secret places of the heart; just as the old Age was born in a manger, which holds food for the animals. Christ/Mithra/Osiris/us as food for the physical world. We are here to feed humanity's wounded physical/animal/human Nature, to help us all reconnect with our Mother, the Earth through our spiritual consciousness, our Christ consciousness. We are the midwives and healers, grandmothers and grandfathers of this new world, for each of us is bringing in this new collective life force. The more whole we are, the more we know and love ourselves, the more embodied we are, the more aligned and true this new energy will be, laying a strong foundation for the Age of Aquarius.
Human life is shaped and made meaningful by the symbols, images and stories we see our world through. It is the stories buried in our unconscious that shape our destiny; familial, cultural, religious as well as archetypal and past life stories shape the person we become in early adulthood. That's our learning lifetime.
Then comes our living lifetime, when we take what we've learned from the first part of life and leave everything else behind. And start a new story. We can change out the old stories and give our heart's allegiance to better stories that reflect our soul's depth. Don't let your past tell your story now. Let your soul's future draw a new story out of you.
Start by being grateful for who you are. You're unique, an original. Look at all your facets and see how you shine the light out. Hold yourself in deep spiritual respect and self-esteem. That's what we need to do now. Otherwise, we cannot heal. Choices we make will determine what kind of world we have. Choices based on our spiritual and imaginative instincts.
So with this New Moon in Aquarius, we have to stay true to our uniqueness but drop the exclusivity that makes us think we're better than others. Aquarius is concerned with the group Mind. That means how we all contribute to this Mind. One of Aquarius' rulers, Saturn, is in Sagittarius directing our attention to our beliefs, we are all ready to share them, but often not in collaborative ways. This is not a time to demand our own version of the truth, for there are many truths. We have to concentrate on the BIG TRUTHS, which is where we can find agreement. And if we allow Neptune's imagination to work on exposing our truths, we'll discover that what we all want is 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. This big promise of individual freedom is also upheld by Aquarius' other ruler, Uranus which is in Aries, awakening us to our archetypal power to create our own lives.
Many of us want to live in a grown-up world, where people are courteous, creative, cooperative and capable. Where each of us is responsible for the world we live in. To live otherwise is to act childish in the worst possible ways. That is what our patriarchal society would have us do. Stay children and we'll take care of all your needs IF you do what you're told. This old story has had its day.
We each know in our hearts that the most important things in life are
love and our connection to each other, our animal cousins and the
Earth. So let's expand our sense of community to all these realms
and find that future story that benefits all of us.
The Aquarius New Moon occurs on February 8, 2016 at 6:39am PST/ 9:39am EST/ 2:39pm GMT.
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